Blades are a lot more expensive than comparable 1U/2U boxes. Great if
you are running out of space.
another good thing is, with proper SAN planning and boot-from san setup,
you can do drop-in replacement when a blade fails.
we have good experience putting clustersuite on BL35p ( the half height
blades ) , but GFS is another story.
(Might have something to do with MSA1500 we have, Redhat and HP are
blaming each other on that issue)
iLO is pretty nice, but I think VMware consoles are easier to use :)
Now if i can just figure out how to make GFS work properly in ESX server
bl20p can be had very cheap nowadays, but should be enough for most
Downside: only two internal disks, the rest is via SAN (or iSCSI).
I want to add a vote for the proliant bl* series. It uses iLO...not
the older Riloe cards, which have been problematic now and then.