this has been covered, previously, but in brief:
a) the cluster services try to stop a service before starting it when
you enable it
b) it expects the "/etc/init.d/service stop" command to return 0,
indicating that there was no problem
c) many of the stock service scripts return non-zero if you try to stop
them when they're not running
depending on your point of view, (c) is the "correct" behavior or not;
in the case of cluster services, it's obviously not. For the purposes
of cluster services, the script should only return non-zero on the
'stop' command if the service was, in fact, running, and the script
failed to stop it. A better solution than simply returning 0
braindeadly would be to check the output of the script's 'status'
command, and only attempt the stop if it's actually running, then return
non-zero if the stop fails, 0 (success) if the stop succeeds OR it
wasn't running in the first place. But that's a lot of work. ;-)
Philip R. Dana wrote:
I found a work around. Like the gentleman with the mysql service problem
a while back, I edited /etc/init.d/named on both nodes such than named
stop returns 0, even though named is already stopped. I'm not smart
enough, yet, to figure out why that works, but it does.
On Thu, 2006-03-16 at 07:22 -0800, Philip R. Dana wrote:
We have a two node active/passive cluster running bind as our master DNS
server. Shared storage is iSCSI on a NetApp Filer. The OS is CentOS 4.2.
Whenever the rgmanager service on the passive node is started/restarted,
the service resource on the active node fails in that named itself is
shut down. The only way to recover, as near as I can tell, is to set
autostart=0 in cluster.conf, reboot both nodes, then manually start the
service on one of the nodes. Is this by design, or an "undocumented
Any help will be greatly appreciated. TIA.
Greg Forte
IT - User Services
University of Delaware
Newark, DE