Marc Grimme a écrit :
we have some customers that have samba clusters with GFS running for a long
time without problems. There are some things you need to take into account
but nevertheless samba on GFS runs very well even when you export the same
data via NFS.
E.G. one customer runs a "active/active" Samba/NFS Cluster on GFS as ADS
Member for about a year (up to 600 Users) without problems.
I would say samba and GFS is a very nice combination.
Regards Marc.
This sounds to be done in a homedir approach but this doesn't sounds to
work when you share a directory on several samba servers.
I mean, there will be troubles if two users want to access to the same
file by using 2 different samba servers.
The samba team sounds to address this issue in the future samba 4.0.