Re: Rogue EXDEV errors when hardlinking

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Hi Frédéric, there were no file quotas in place, no, and it's using the ceph kernel client rather than FUSE. I also already saw those links while investigating our problems, and neither situation would give a satisfactory explanation for why the 500ms retry would make the second attempt at link creation succeed. Something evidently changed in that window of time and it could not have been the ceph client on the machine or the quota set on the target directory.

Regards, Domhnall

-----Original Message-----
From: Frédéric Nass <frederic.nass@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 21 March 2025 16:40
To: Domhnall McGuigan <dmcguigan@xxxxxx>
Cc: ceph-users <ceph-users@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re:  Rogue EXDEV errors when hardlinking

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Hi Domhnall,

----- Le 20 Mar 25, à 17:45, Domhnall McGuigan dmcguigan@xxxxxx a écrit :

> Hi all, we've been seeing persistent problems when trying to create
> hardlinks on cephfs; it's returning EXDEV in a way that makes no sense
> given typical POSIX behaviour and ceph documentation. Here's a typical strace of the problem:
>        78    13:47:26.572435 link("/data/db/hdb/data/2023.08.06/table1.0/column1",
>        "/data/db/hdb/data/2023.08.06/table1.1/column1") = -1 EXDEV (Invalid
>        cross-device link)
>        78    13:47:26.577661 write(1,
>        "{\"time\":\"2025-03-03T13:47:26.577z\",\"component\":\"MSVC\",\"level\":\"INFO\",\"message\":\"[eoi-78]
>        Retrying in 500 milliseconds\",\"service\":\"eoi\"}\n", 136) = 136
>        78    13:47:26.577762 clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, {tv_sec=0,
>        tv_nsec=500000000}, NULL) = 0
>        78    13:47:27.078037 link("/data/db/hdb/data/2023.08.06/table1.0/column1",
>        "/data/db/hdb/data/2023.08.06/table1.1/column1") = 0
> We try creating a link, get EXDEV, wait 500 milliseconds, then try the
> same operation again and it succeeds. The link and its target are both
> on the same cephfs mount (/data/db/hdb in this case), so the normal
> POSIX 'linking between filesystems' explanation doesn't apply.  I've
> looked through the ceph client and server code and from what I've seen
> EXDEV is only returned in a couple of other situations: linking
> between snapshots, and linking across quotas. Neither snapshots nor
> quotas were in use here, and if they were the culprit it seems
> unlikely the automatic retry would have worked. Web searches on EXDEV
> errors in ceph have also proven to be a dead end. My best guess,
> although it's not a very good one, is that stale MDS cache data is somehow involved -- in one case the issue reportedly got much worse after increasing (!) the MDS memory limit.
> This error has been occurring for a particular client for upwards of 9
> months and has proven stubbornly resistant to reproduction elsewhere
> (we are working on migrating them to a more recent ceph version to see
> if the error remains),

You mean Kernel version right? You're not using ceph-fuse to mount the filesystem, are you?

A quick 'cephfs EXDEV' search points to ceph-fuse and/or quotas [1][2]. Are you using any of these?



> so our technical investigations haven't got particularly far. I was
> hoping someone here on ceph-users would have seen similar EXDEV errors
> in the wild or in development and have some insight into what could be causing them.
> Regards, Domhnall
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