Re: Rogue EXDEV errors when hardlinking

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Hi Domhnall,

----- Le 20 Mar 25, à 17:45, Domhnall McGuigan dmcguigan@xxxxxx a écrit :

> Hi all, we've been seeing persistent problems when trying to create hardlinks on
> cephfs; it's returning EXDEV in a way that makes no sense given typical POSIX
> behaviour and ceph documentation. Here's a typical strace of the problem:
>        78    13:47:26.572435 link("/data/db/hdb/data/2023.08.06/table1.0/column1",
>        "/data/db/hdb/data/2023.08.06/table1.1/column1") = -1 EXDEV (Invalid
>        cross-device link)
>        78    13:47:26.577661 write(1,
>        "{\"time\":\"2025-03-03T13:47:26.577z\",\"component\":\"MSVC\",\"level\":\"INFO\",\"message\":\"[eoi-78]
>        Retrying in 500 milliseconds\",\"service\":\"eoi\"}\n", 136) = 136
>        78    13:47:26.577762 clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, {tv_sec=0,
>        tv_nsec=500000000}, NULL) = 0
>        78    13:47:27.078037 link("/data/db/hdb/data/2023.08.06/table1.0/column1",
>        "/data/db/hdb/data/2023.08.06/table1.1/column1") = 0
> We try creating a link, get EXDEV, wait 500 milliseconds, then try the same
> operation again and it succeeds. The link and its target are both on the same
> cephfs mount (/data/db/hdb in this case), so the normal POSIX 'linking between
> filesystems' explanation doesn't apply.  I've looked through the ceph client
> and server code and from what I've seen EXDEV is only returned in a couple of
> other situations: linking between snapshots, and linking across quotas. Neither
> snapshots nor quotas were in use here, and if they were the culprit it seems
> unlikely the automatic retry would have worked. Web searches on EXDEV errors in
> ceph have also proven to be a dead end. My best guess, although it's not a very
> good one, is that stale MDS cache data is somehow involved -- in one case the
> issue reportedly got much worse after increasing (!) the MDS memory limit.
> This error has been occurring for a particular client for upwards of 9 months
> and has proven stubbornly resistant to reproduction elsewhere (we are working
> on migrating them to a more recent ceph version to see if the error remains),

You mean Kernel version right? You're not using ceph-fuse to mount the filesystem, are you?

A quick 'cephfs EXDEV' search points to ceph-fuse and/or quotas [1][2]. Are you using any of these?



> so our technical investigations haven't got particularly far. I was hoping
> someone here on ceph-users would have seen similar EXDEV errors in the wild or
> in development and have some insight into what could be causing them.
> Regards, Domhnall
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