On 24/06/2024 21:18, Matthew Vernon wrote:
2024-06-24T17:33:26.880065+00:00 moss-be2001 ceph-mgr[129346]: [rgw
ERROR root] Non-zero return from ['radosgw-admin', '-k',
'/var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-moss-be2001.qvwcaq/keyring', '-n',
'mgr.moss-be2001.qvwcaq', 'realm', 'pull', '--url',
'https://apus.svc.eqiad.wmnet:443', '--access-key', 'REDACTED',
'--secret', 'REDACTED', '--rgw-realm', 'apus']: request failed: (5)
Input/output error
EIO is an odd sort of error [doesn't sound very network-y], and I don't
think I see any corresponding request in the radosgw logs in the primary
zone. From the CLI outside the container I can do e.g. curl
https://apus.svc.eqiad.wmnet/ just fine, are there other things worth
checking here? Could it matter that the mgr node isn't an rgw?
...the answer turned out to be "container image lacked the relevant CA
details to validate the TLS of the other end".
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