On 24/06/2024 20:49, Matthew Vernon wrote:
On 19/06/2024 19:45, Adam King wrote:
I think this is at least partially a code bug in the rgw module. Where
...the code path seems to have a bunch of places it might raise an
exception; are those likely to result in some entry in a log-file? I've
Ah, I do now find:
2024-06-24T17:33:26.880065+00:00 moss-be2001 ceph-mgr[129346]: [rgw
ERROR root] Non-zero return from ['radosgw-admin', '-k',
'/var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-moss-be2001.qvwcaq/keyring', '-n',
'mgr.moss-be2001.qvwcaq', 'realm', 'pull', '--url',
'https://apus.svc.eqiad.wmnet:443', '--access-key', 'REDACTED',
'--secret', 'REDACTED', '--rgw-realm', 'apus']: request failed: (5)
Input/output error
EIO is an odd sort of error [doesn't sound very network-y], and I don't
think I see any corresponding request in the radosgw logs in the primary
zone. From the CLI outside the container I can do e.g. curl
https://apus.svc.eqiad.wmnet/ just fine, are there other things worth
checking here? Could it matter that the mgr node isn't an rgw?
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