Re: Best way to replace Data drive of OSD

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To close this thread, and give people a reference point, this is what I did (and it worked)
I wound up not using mirror, I just used vgextend/pvmove/vgreduce  to move the data.

1.  Verify the devices in question:

# lsblk
NAME                                                                                                  MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS
sda                                                                                                     8:0    0   3.6T  0 disk
└─ceph--128bd83e--4bb5--466d--8f1c--1f00d93838f2-osd--block--fe7602d3--8e32--46e3--8dd6--4261e1b2feb6 253:2    0   3.6T  0 lvm
sdb                                                                                                     8:16   0   3.6T  0 disk
└─ceph--fef757df--55fc--41cb--aaa8--6f7675871c1f-osd--block--358ec8f2--e51b--419c--88bd--f088823c26a9 253:5    0   3.6T  0 lvm
sdc                                                                                                     8:32   0   3.6T  0 disk
└─ceph--92735252--d160--446b--b757--a2b2bf8e7ba7-osd--block--35c13cd7--bdd9--4c3b--a46d--6caaf7fc400a 253:3    0   3.6T  0 lvm
sdd                                                                                                     8:48   0 465.8G  0 disk
├─sdd1                                                                                                  8:49   0   600M  0 part /boot/efi
├─sdd2                                                                                                  8:50   0     1G  0 part /boot
└─sdd3                                                                                                  8:51   0 464.2G  0 part
  ├─rhel-root                                                                                         253:0    0 288.4G  0 lvm  /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay
  │                                                                                                                             /
  ├─rhel-swap                                                                                         253:1    0  11.8G  0 lvm
  └─rhel-home                                                                                         253:6    0   350G  0 lvm  /home
sde                                                                                                     8:64   0   3.6T  0 disk
└─ceph--fd2da222--2dc7--4be0--89a6--27e485ab4700-osd--block--278cfa46--6c69--4d87--b0c3--27e0b97ce379 253:4    0   3.6T  0 lvm
sdf                                                                                                     8:80   0   1.8T  0 disk
├─sdf1                                                                                                  8:81   0   512G  0 part
├─sdf2                                                                                                  8:82   0   512G  0 part
├─sdf3                                                                                                  8:83   0   512G  0 part
└─sdf4                                                                                                  8:84   0   327G  0 part
nvme0n1                                                                                               259:0    0 931.5G  0 disk
└─nvme0n1p1                                                                                           259:1    0 931.5G  0 part
  └─rhel-root                                                                                         253:0    0 288.4G  0 lvm  /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay

SDC was the drive failing, so I knew the lvm to look at

2.  create PV on new device
	pvcreate /dev/sdg

3. Extend the volume group onto the new drive
             # vgextend ceph-fd2da222-2dc7-4be0-89a6-27e485ab4700 /dev/sdg
	  Volume group "ceph-fd2da222-2dc7-4be0-89a6-27e485ab4700" successfully extended4. move the data
4.  Move the data ## this will take some time, go have a nice dinner, get some sleep, binge watch a tv show,...
             # pvmove /dev/sdc
	 /dev/sdc: Moved: 0.01%
  	/dev/sdc: Moved: 0.06%
	/dev/sdc: Moved: 99.98%
	/dev/sdc: Moved: 100.00%
5. remove the dying drive
	# vgreduce ceph-fd2da222-2dc7-4be0-89a6-27e485ab4700 /dev/sdc
	  Removed "/dev/sdc" from volume group "ceph-fd2da222-2dc7-4be0-89a6-27e485ab4700"
6.  (Very important) verify the serial number of the drive to remove:
	# udevadm info --query=all --name=/dev/sdc | grep ID_SERIAL
	E: ID_SERIAL=ST4000DX001-1CE168_Z303TB0R
7.  put host into maintenance, then halt the system, and swap the physical drives.
8.   Start the host, take it out of maintenance, and let any sync happen - watch ceph status until it is completely recovered - a few minutes.

Doing it this way, I did not notice any issues with ceph during the move - I had things interacting with cephfs, and rbd the whole time without a glitch.    There are a few pgs marked as backfilling - I may have missed a delay with the host maintenance.  But its only about 20, which is much less than if I took the entire OSD out and rebuilt it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Eugen Block <eblock@xxxxxx> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2024 2:37 PM
To: ceph-users@xxxxxxx
Subject:  Re: Best way to replace Data drive of OSD


in such a setup I also prefer option 2, we've done this since lvm came into play with OSDs, just not with cephadm yet. But we have a similar configuration and one OSD starts to fail as well. I'm just waiting for the replacement drive to arrive. ;-)


Zitat von "Robert W. Eckert" <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi - I have a drive that is starting to show errors, and was wondering 
> what the best way to replace it is.
> I am on Ceph 18.2.1, and using cephadm/containers I have 3 hosts, and 
> each host has 4 4Tb drives with a 2 tb NVME device splt amongst them 
> for WAL/DB, and 10 GB Networking.
> Option 1:  Stop the OSD, use dd to copy from old to new, remove old, 
> reboot so LVM recognized new as the volume that old was.
> Option 2: LVM and mirror the old drive to the new, then remove the  
> old, once the mirroring is complete.    In this way, I don't have to  
> remove and reprovision the OSD, and the OSD doesn't need to be down 
> during any Option 3: Remove the OSD, let everything settle down, swap 
> the drive, fight the orchestrator to get the OSD provisioned with the 
> OSD and db partition on the proper partition of the  NVME, then let 
> everything sync up again.
> I am leaning towards Option 2, because it should have the least 
> impact/overhead on the rest of the drives, but am open to the other 
> options as well.
> Thanks,
> Rob
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