On 9/14/23 14:55, Stefan Kooman wrote:
On 14-09-2023 03:27, Xiubo Li wrote:
< ----- snip ------>
Hi Stefan,
Yeah, as I remembered before I have seen something like this only
once in the cephfs qa tests together with other issues, but I just
thought it wasn't the root cause so I didn't spent time on it.
Just went through the kernel ceph code, such as for
'ceph_cap_reclaim_work' workqueue, it will take the spin lock and if
there are too many dentries and directories need to be interated it
may hog the cpu for a long time. Anyway this can be improved.
These clients have between 400K - 550K CAPS, so quite a bit. It would
be great if this can be improved upon. Not sure if the client is a
bottleneck for releasing caps in this case. IIRC the MDS internally
throttles the amount of caps it can process (per session). Anyway it
would be good if the client is not the bottleneck.
There is one option in MDS could descrease it and have a try:
mds_max_caps_per_client: 1M as default.
So 400K ~ 550K hasn't reach the throttle yet. But you can try it and
let's see could this help.
However, we have hit a few OOM situations since we switched to the new
kernel because of ceph_cap_reclaim_work events (OOM is because Apache
threads keep piling up as it cannot access CephFS). We then also
see MDS
slow ops reported. This might be related to a backup job that is
on a backup server. We did not observe this behavior on 5.12.19
We haven't touch the reclaim related code for a long time. I just
suspect the backup slowed down the perf.
BTW, do you have the MDS logs about the slow requests ? What are they ?
Sure, here they are:
2023-09-10T03:55:26.057+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : 1 slow requests, 1 included below; oldest blocked for >
71.454548 secs
2023-09-10T03:55:26.057+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : slow request 32.863580 seconds old, received at
client_request(client.5352998631:4256989 create
#0x1000047707e/temp-write-test-64fd21ed302df3-60967340 2023-09-1
0T03:54:53.190783+0200 caller_uid=3774, caller_gid=3774{3774,})
currently failed to wrlock, waiting
2023-09-10T03:55:31.057+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : 2 slow requests, 1 included below; oldest blocked for >
76.454620 secs
2023-09-10T03:55:31.057+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : slow request 33.468639 seconds old, received at
2023-09-10T03:54:57.592791+0200: client_request(client.534532764
7:6092614 mkdir #0x1031e9171d1/2 2023-09-10T03:54:40.421282+0200
caller_uid=3747, caller_gid=3747{3747,}) currently failed to rdlock,
2023-09-10T03:55:36.057+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : 2 slow requests, 0 included below; oldest blocked for >
81.454678 secs
2023-09-10T03:55:46.058+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : 6 slow requests, 5 included below; oldest blocked for >
91.454864 secs
2023-09-10T03:55:46.058+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : slow request 43.481559 seconds old, received at
client_request(client.5352998631:4257081 create
2023-09-10T03:55:02.575054+0200 caller_uid=3588,
caller_gid=3588{3588,}) currently failed to wrlock, waiting
2023-09-10T03:55:46.058+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : slow request 39.773875 seconds old, received at
client_request(client.5345383113:3667543 lookup
#0x100cdc56321/config.php 2023-09-10T03:55:06.284700+0200
caller_uid=3736, caller_gid=3736{3736,}) currently failed to rdlock,
2023-09-10T03:55:46.058+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : slow request 46.176989 seconds old, received at
client_request(client.5349764075:3342783 getattr As #0x102c1ca48fc
2023-09-10T03:54:59.880459+0200 caller_uid=4093,
caller_gid=4093{4093,}) currently failed to rdlock, waiting
2023-09-10T03:55:46.058+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : slow request 35.393109 seconds old, received at
client_request(client.5345383113:3667575 lookup
#0x100022c947b/some-file.php 2023-09-10T03:55:10.664810+0200
caller_uid=3747, caller_gid=3747{3747,}) currently failed to rdlock,
2023-09-10T03:55:46.058+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : slow request 91.454863 seconds old, received at
client_request(client.5337202717:50413925 lookup
#0x1031c61953d/some-javascript-file.js 2023-09-10T03:54:14.603107+0200
caller_uid=0, caller_gid=0{0,}) currently failed to rdlock, waiting
2023-09-10T03:56:51.055+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : 2 slow requests, 2 included below; oldest blocked for >
156.455763 secs
2023-09-10T03:56:51.055+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : slow request 34.015403 seconds old, received at
client_request(client.5349764075:3343607 create
2023-09-10T03:56:17.046403+0200 caller_uid=3983,
caller_gid=3983{3983,}) currently failed to wrlock, waiting
2023-09-10T03:56:51.055+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : slow request 55.242778 seconds old, received at
client_request(client.5345383113:3667692 getattr AsLsXsFs
#0x100022c9480 2023-09-10T03:55:55.813948+0200 caller_uid=3747,
caller_gid=3747{3747,}) currently dispatched
2023-09-10T03:56:56.055+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : 2 slow requests, 1 included below; oldest blocked for >
161.455822 secs
2023-09-10T03:56:56.055+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : slow request 60.242837 seconds old, received at
client_request(client.5345383113:3667692 getattr AsLsXsFs
#0x100022c9480 2023-09-10T03:55:55.813948+0200 caller_uid=3747,
caller_gid=3747{3747,}) currently dispatched
2023-09-10T03:56:56.135+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : client.5345327647 isn't responding to mclientcaps(revoke), ino
0x1031e0642cf pending pAsLsXsxFsxcrwb issued pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb, sent
60.318560 seconds ago
2023-09-10T03:56:56.135+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : client.5345327647 isn't responding to mclientcaps(revoke), ino
0x1027e766cd6 pending pAsLsXsxFsxcrwb issued pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb, sent
60.318543 seconds ago
2023-09-10T03:56:56.135+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : client.5345327647 isn't responding to mclientcaps(revoke), ino
0x100022c9480 pending pAsLsXs issued pAsLsXsFs, sent 60.317304 seconds
2023-09-10T03:56:56.135+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : client.5345327647 isn't responding to mclientcaps(revoke), ino
0x1027e1fc2e5 pending pAsLsXs issued pAsLsXsFsc, sent 60.311698
seconds ago
2023-09-10T03:57:01.056+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : 2 slow requests, 0 included below; oldest blocked for >
166.455888 secs
2023-09-10T03:57:01.112+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : evicting unresponsive client
the-ubuntu-jammy-webserver-with-6.5-kernel (5345327647), after 85.5223
2023-09-10T03:57:01.112+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[INF] : Evicting (and blocklisting) client session 5345327647
2023-09-10T03:57:01.116+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : client.5345327647 isn't responding to mclientcaps(revoke), ino
0x1031c610d5a pending pAsLsXsxFsxcrwb issued pAsxLsXsxFsxcrwb, sent
62.595705 seconds ago
2023-09-10T06:32:02.438+0200 7f4136001700 0 log_channel(cluster) log
[WRN] : client.3470094190 isn't responding to mclientcaps(revoke), ino
0x1031e1bb30f pending pAsLsXsFr issued pAsLsXsFscr, sent 62.186458
seconds ago
Okay, there were caps revocation stuck, which could cause the
create/lookup/getattr requests stuck and then reported as slow requests.
This should be a known issue as I am now working on
https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/50223. Currently I found one case, which
is the unlinking, could cause it, and these warning should disappeared
finally after the kclient could release the caps later, more detail
please see my comments on this tracker.
This tracker not finishes yet and there could be other cases that could
cause it, and I will continue working on it this week and next.
- Xiubo
The "temp-write-test-string" write requests are apparently from
Wordpress sites that perform "let's test if I can write" requests.
- Xiubo
Gr. Stefan
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