Re: Ceph iSCSI rbd-target.api Failed to Load

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Hi Matt,

No problem, looking at the output of gwcli -d there it looks like it's having issues getting the api endpoint, are you able to try running:

curl --user admin:admin -X GET http://X.X.X.X:5000/api


curl http://X.X.X.X:5000/api

Replacing the IP address with the node hosting the iSCSI gateway?

It should spit out a bunch of stuff, but it would at least let us know if the api itself is listening or not. 

Also here's the output of gwcli -d from our cluster to compare:

root@ubuntu-gw01:~# gwcli -d
Adding ceph cluster 'ceph' to the UI
Fetching ceph osd information
Querying ceph for state information
Refreshing disk information from the config object
- Scanning will use 8 scan threads
- rbd image scan complete: 0s
Refreshing gateway & client information
- checking iSCSI/API ports on ubuntu-gw01
- checking iSCSI/API ports on ubuntu-gw02

1 gateway is inaccessible - updates will be disabled
Querying ceph for state information
Gathering pool stats for cluster 'ceph'



-----Original Message-----
From: duluxoz <duluxoz@xxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: September 9, 2022 4:11 AM
To: Bailey Allison <ballison@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; ceph-users@xxxxxxx
Subject:  Re: Ceph iSCSI rbd-target.api Failed to Load

Hi Bailey,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you (I had a few non-related issues to resolve) - and thanks for replying.

The results from `gwcli -d`:

Adding ceph cluster 'ceph' to the UI
Fetching ceph osd information
Querying ceph for state information
REST API failure, code : 500
Unable to access the configuration object Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/bin/gwcli", line 194, in <module>
   File "/usr/bin/gwcli", line 108, in main
AttributeError: 'Settings' object has no attribute 'api_endpoint'

Checked all of the other things you mentioned: all good.

Any further ideas?


On 08/09/2022 10:08, Bailey Allison wrote:
> Hi Dulux-oz,
> Are you able to share the output of "gwcli -d" from your iSCSI node?
> Just a few things I can think to check off the top of my head, is port 5000 accessible/opened on the node running iSCSI?
> I think by default the API tries to listen/use a pool called rbd, so does your cluster have a pool named that? It looks like it does based on your logs but something to check anyways, otherwise I believe you can change the pool it uses within the iscsi-gateway.cfg file though.
> If there's any blocklisted OSDs on the node you're running iSCSI on it will also prevent rbd-target-api from starting I have found from experience, but again per your logs it looks like there isn't any.
> Just in case it might help I've also attached an iscsi-gateway-cfg file from a cluster we've got with it working here:
> # This is seed configuration used by the ceph_iscsi_config modules # 
> when handling configuration tasks for iscsi gateway(s) # # Please do 
> not change this file directly since it is managed by Ansible and will 
> be overwritten [config] api_password = admin api_port = 5000 # API 
> settings.
> # The API supports a number of options that allow you to tailor it to 
> your # local environment. If you want to run the API under https, you 
> will need to # create cert/key files that are compatible for each 
> iSCSI gateway node, that is # not locked to a specific node. SSL cert 
> and key files *must* be called # 'iscsi-gateway.crt' and 
> 'iscsi-gateway.key' and placed in the '/etc/ceph/' directory # on *each* gateway node. With the SSL files in place, you can use 'api_secure = true'
> # to switch to https mode.
> # To support the API, the bear minimum settings are:
> api_secure = False
> # Optional settings related to the CLI/API service api_user = admin 
> cluster_name = ceph loop_delay = 1 pool = rbd trusted_ip_list = 
> X.X.X.X,X.X.X.X,X.X.X.X,X.X.X.X
> -----Original Message-----
> From: duluxoz <duluxoz@xxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: September 7, 2022 6:38 AM
> To: ceph-users@xxxxxxx
> Subject:  Ceph iSCSI rbd-target.api Failed to Load
> Hi All,
> I've followed the instructions on the CEPH Doco website on Configuring the iSCSI Target. Everything went AOK up to the point where I try to start the rbd-target-api service, which fails (the rbd-target-gw service started OK).
> A `systemctl status rbd-target-api` gives:
> ~~~
> rbd-target-api.service - Ceph iscsi target configuration API
>      Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/rbd-target-api.service;
> enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
>      Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2022-09-07 18:07:26 AEST; 1h 5min ago
>     Process: 32547 ExecStart=/usr/bin/rbd-target-api (code=exited, status=16)
>    Main PID: 32547 (code=exited, status=16)
> Sep 07 19:19:03 ceph-host1.mydomain.local systemd[1]:
> rbd-target-api.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
> Sep 07 19:19:03 ceph-host1.mydomain.local systemd[1]:
> rbd-target-api.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
> Sep 07 19:19:03 ceph-host1.mydomain.local systemd[1]: Failed to start Ceph iscsi target configuration API.
> ~~~
> A `journalctl -xe` gives:
> ~~~
> Sep 07 19:19:03 ceph-host1.mydomain.local systemd[1]:
> rbd-target-api.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
> Sep 07 19:19:03 ceph-host1.mydomain.local systemd[1]:
> rbd-target-api.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
> -- Subject: Unit failed
> -- Defined-By: systemd
> -- Support: 
> --
> -- The unit rbd-target-api.service has entered the 'failed' state with result 'exit-code'.
> Sep 07 19:19:03 ceph-host1.mydomain.local systemd[1]: Failed to start Ceph iscsi target configuration API.
> -- Subject: Unit rbd-target-api.service has failed
> -- Defined-By: systemd
> -- Support: 
> --
> -- Unit rbd-target-api.service has failed.
> --
> -- The result is failed.
> ~~~
> The `rbd-target-api.log` gives:
> ~~~
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,084DEBUG [] -
> (_open_ioctx) Opening connection to rbd pool
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,086DEBUG [] -
> (_open_ioctx) connection opened
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,105DEBUG [] -
> (init_config) using pre existing config object
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,105DEBUG [] -
> (_open_ioctx) Opening connection to rbd pool
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,105DEBUG [] -
> (_open_ioctx) connection opened
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,106DEBUG [] - 
> _read_config_object reading the config object
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,107DEBUG [] -
> (_get_rbd_config) config object contains 'b'{\n"created": "2022/09/07
> 07:25:58",\n"discovery_auth": {\n"mutual_password":
> "",\n"mutual_password_encryption_enabled": false,\n"mutual_username":
> "",\n"password": "",\n"password_encryption_enabled": false,\n"username":
> ""\n},\n"disks": {},\n"epoch": 0,\n"gateways": {},\n"targets":
> {},\n"updated": "",\n"version": 11\n}''
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,107 INFO [rbd-target-api:2810:run()] - Started the 
> configuration object watcher
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,107 INFO [rbd-target-api:2812:run()] - Checking 
> for config object changes every 1s
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,109 INFO [] - 
> Processing osd blocklist entries for this node
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,497 INFO [] 
> - No OSD blocklist entries found
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,497 INFO [] - Reading the 
> configuration object to update local LIO configuration
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,497 INFO [] - Configuration 
> does not have an entry for this host(ceph-host1.mydomain.local) - 
> nothing to define to LIO
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,507 CRITICAL [rbd-target-api:2942:main()] - Secure API requested but the crt/key files missing/incompatible?
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,508 CRITICAL [rbd-target-api:2944:main()] - Unable 
> to start
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,956DEBUG [] -
> (_open_ioctx) Opening connection to rbd pool
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,958DEBUG [] -
> (_open_ioctx) connection opened
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,976DEBUG [] -
> (init_config) using pre existing config object
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,976DEBUG [] -
> (_open_ioctx) Opening connection to rbd pool
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,976DEBUG [] -
> (_open_ioctx) connection opened
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,977DEBUG [] - 
> _read_config_object reading the config object
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,978DEBUG [] -
> (_get_rbd_config) config object contains 'b'{\n"created": "2022/09/07
> 07:25:58",\n"discovery_auth": {\n"mutual_password":
> "",\n"mutual_password_encryption_enabled": false,\n"mutual_username":
> "",\n"password": "",\n"password_encryption_enabled": false,\n"username":
> ""\n},\n"disks": {},\n"epoch": 0,\n"gateways": {},\n"targets":
> {},\n"updated": "",\n"version": 11\n}''
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,979 INFO [rbd-target-api:2810:run()] - Started the 
> configuration object watcher
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,979 INFO [rbd-target-api:2812:run()] - Checking 
> for config object changes every 1s
> 2022-09-07 19:19:01,980 INFO [] - 
> Processing osd blocklist entries for this node
> 2022-09-07 19:19:02,367 INFO [] 
> - No OSD blocklist entries found
> 2022-09-07 19:19:02,368 INFO [] - Reading the 
> configuration object to update local LIO configuration
> 2022-09-07 19:19:02,368 INFO [] - Configuration 
> does not have an entry for this host(ceph-host1.mydomain.local) - 
> nothing to define to LIO
> 2022-09-07 19:19:02,378 CRITICAL [rbd-target-api:2942:main()] - Secure API requested but the crt/key files missing/incompatible?
> 2022-09-07 19:19:02,379 CRITICAL [rbd-target-api:2944:main()] - Unable 
> to start
> 2022-09-07 19:19:02,960DEBUG [] -
> (_open_ioctx) Opening connection to rbd pool
> 2022-09-07 19:19:02,962DEBUG [] -
> (_open_ioctx) connection opened
> 2022-09-07 19:19:02,980DEBUG [] -
> (init_config) using pre existing config object
> 2022-09-07 19:19:02,980DEBUG [] -
> (_open_ioctx) Opening connection to rbd pool
> 2022-09-07 19:19:02,980DEBUG [] -
> (_open_ioctx) connection opened
> 2022-09-07 19:19:02,981DEBUG [] - 
> _read_config_object reading the config object
> 2022-09-07 19:19:02,982DEBUG [] -
> (_get_rbd_config) config object contains 'b'{\n"created": "2022/09/07
> 07:25:58",\n"discovery_auth": {\n"mutual_password":
> "",\n"mutual_password_encryption_enabled": false,\n"mutual_username":
> "",\n"password": "",\n"password_encryption_enabled": false,\n"username":
> ""\n},\n"disks": {},\n"epoch": 0,\n"gateways": {},\n"targets":
> {},\n"updated": "",\n"version": 11\n}''
> 2022-09-07 19:19:02,983 INFO [rbd-target-api:2810:run()] - Started the 
> configuration object watcher
> 2022-09-07 19:19:02,983 INFO [rbd-target-api:2812:run()] - Checking 
> for config object changes every 1s
> 2022-09-07 19:19:02,985 INFO [] - 
> Processing osd blocklist entries for this node
> 2022-09-07 19:19:03,370 INFO [] 
> - No OSD blocklist entries found
> 2022-09-07 19:19:03,371 INFO [] - Reading the 
> configuration object to update local LIO configuration
> 2022-09-07 19:19:03,371 INFO [] - Configuration 
> does not have an entry for this host(ceph-host1.mydomain.local) - 
> nothing to define to LIO
> 2022-09-07 19:19:03,381 CRITICAL [rbd-target-api:2942:main()] - Secure API requested but the crt/key files missing/incompatible?
> 2022-09-07 19:19:03,381 CRITICAL [rbd-target-api:2944:main()] - Unable 
> to start ~~~
> This `iscsi-gateway.cfg` file reads:
> ~~~
> [config]
> cluster_name = ceph
> gateway_keyring = ceph.client.admin.keyring
> # API settings.
> # The api supports a number of options that allow you to tailor it to your # local environment. If you want to run the api under https, you will need to # create crt/key files that are compatible for each gateway node (i.e. not # locked to a specific node). SSL crt and key files *must* be called # iscsi-gateway.crt and iscsi-gateway.key and placed in /etc/ceph on *each* # gateway node. With the SSL files in place, you can use api_secure = true # to switch to https mode.
> api_secure = false
> # Additional API configuration options are as follows (defaults 
> shown); # api_user = admin # api_password = admin # api_port = 5000 
> trusted_ip_list =,,
> # Refer to the ceph-iscsi-config/settings module for more options ~~~
> is the ip address for the ceph-host1.mydomain.local (and similarly for the other ip addresses / hostnames of the other 2 nodes, which are yet to be installed).
> The iSCSI Node is co-located on an OSD Node.
> The Cluster is working (apart form the iSCSI part, of course).
> So, could someone be kind enough to point out what I'm missing (ie 
> what's wrong)? - Thanks in advance
> Dulux-Oz
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