It's hard to suggest without the logs. Do verbose logging debug_mds=20.
What's the ceph version? Do you have the logs why the MDS crashed?
On 16/05/22 11:20, Felix Lee wrote:
Dear all,
We currently have 7 multi-active MDS, with another 7 standby-replay.
We thought this should cover most of disasters, and it actually did.
But things just got happened, here is the story:
One of MDS crashed and standby-replay took over, but got stuck at
resolve state.
Then, the other two MDS(rank 0 and 5) received tones of slow requests,
and my colleague restarted them, thinking the standby-replay would
take over immediately (this seemed to be wrong or at least unnecessary
action, I guess...). Then, it resulted three of them in resolve state...
In the meanwhile, I realized that the first failed rank(rank 2) had
abnormal memory usage and kept getting crashed, after couple
restarting, the memory usage was back to normal, and then, those tree
MDS entered into rejoin state.
Now, this rejoin state is there for three days and keeps going as
we're speaking. Here, no significant error message shows up even with
"debug_mds 10", so, we have no idea when it's gonna end and if it's
really running on the track.
So, I am wondering how do we check MDS rejoin progress/status to make
sure if it's running normally? Or, how do we estimate the rejoin time
and maybe improve it? because we always need to tell user the time
estimation of its recovery.
Best regards,
Felix Lee ~
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