Re: Why you might want packages not containers for Ceph deployments

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> Please remember, free software comes still with a price. You can not
> expect someone to work on your individual problem while being cheap on
> your highly critical data. If your data has value, then you should
> invest in ensuring data safety. There are companies out, paying Ceph
> developers and fixing bugs, so your problem will be gone as soon as you
> A) contribute code yourself or B) pay someone to contribute code.

Oh please, this again. As if someone does something for free, one cannot criticize, hold them accountable etc. Let's be honest, if ceph was not open source it would not be where it is today, and it would not have the market share it currently has.
Users choose a storage solution based on its availability in the future, because you are not easily switching to a different one. So you cannot blame users for asking what has been 'promised' in the past.
I would even advocate for some sort of addition to GPL(?) licenses where there is a commitment to warn users years upfront or guarantee support for a product and it is not possible to abruptly stop support and switch to a proprietary solution after enough market share has been acquired.
> Don't get me wrong, every dev here should have the focus in providing
> rock solid work and I believe they do, but in the end it's software, and
> software never will be free of bugs. 

Nobody is questioning this. 

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