I come back about radosgw deployment, I've test cephadm ingress service
and then theses are my findings :
Haproxy service is deployed but not "managed" by cephadm, here the
So, when cephadm shutdown radosgw backend, it does not "drain" or "put
in maintenance" the haproxy backend before. Haproxy, continue to serve
request on failed backend until it is marked down by healthcheck.
Fortunatly, the new retry feature of Haproxy 2
will retry failed requests on another backend. But as it is wrote in
document, not all "failures cases" are handled. So when the server
(rados gw) return an empty answer, haproxy does not retry the request
and forward the 502 code to client. We can think to enable "retry-on
all-retryable-errors" option but what about retrying a POST or a PUT
method on an api, if the first request passed fine but only it's answer
was broken, the first "action" can still be finished sucessfully.
In addition, the haproxy configuration file is not "fully" customizable,
does not allow for custom log format .....
In front of theses findings, I'm wondering if cephadm should approach
the problem differently. For example, my previous proposal for
"pre-task" and "post-tasks", or allow service registration in backend
such "consul".
Finally, in our setup, I will certainly deploy my own haproxy (using our
infrastructure tools) and use consul and healthcheck to have a setup
similar to ingress service but in our standards.
Do you think any of my proposal can be really proposed to ceph
developpers teams ?
On 23/10/2021 01:47, Maged Mokhtar wrote:
In PetaSAN we use Consul to provide a service mesh for running
services active/active over Ceph.
For rgw, we use nginx to load balance rgw gateways, the nginx
themselves run in an active/active ha setup so they do not become a
bottleneck as you pointed out with the haproxy setup.
How do you manage rgw upgrade ? do you use cephadm or any other
automation tool ?
How is nginx configured to talk to rgw ? using a upstream an a proxy
pass ?
PetaSAN is a Ceph storage appliance based on Ubuntu OS and SUSE
kernel. We rely on Consul service mesh to scale the service/gateways
layer in a scale-out active/active fashion, this is for iSCSI, NFS,
SMB and S3.
Upgrades are done live via apt upgrade We do not use cephadm, we
provide a web based deployment ui (wizard like steps) as well as ui
for cluster management.
For nginx, we use the upstream method to configure the load balancing
of the rgws. The nginx config file is dynamically created/updated by a
python script which receives notifications from Consul (nodes
added/nodes down/ip changes..).
You can read more on our website
http://www.petasan.org <http://www.petasan.org>
On 22/10/2021 16:41, Pierre GINDRAUD wrote:
On 20/10/2021 10:17, Sebastian Wagner wrote:
Am 20.10.21 um 09:12 schrieb Pierre GINDRAUD:
I'm migrating from puppet to cephadm to deploy a ceph cluster,
and I'm
using consul to expose radosgateway. Before, with puppet, we were
deploying radosgateway with "apt install radosgw" and applying
using "apt upgrade radosgw". In our consul service a simple
on this url worked fine "/swift/healthcheck", because we were
able to
put consul agent in maintenance mode before operations.
I've seen this thread
that proves consul is a possible way.
So, with cephadm, the upgrade process decide by himself when to
upgrade and start each radosgw instances.
It's an issue because the
consul healthcheck must detect "as fast as possible" the instance
to minimize the number of applicatives hits that can use the down
instance's IP.
In some application like traefik
have an option "requestacceptgracetimeout" that allow the "http
to handle requests some time after a stop signal has been
received while
the healthcheck endpoint immediatly started to response with an
This allow the loadbalancer (consul here) to put instance down
and stop
traffic to it before it fall effectively down.
In https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/config-ref/ I have see
option like that. And in cephadm I haven't seen "pre-task" and "post
task" to, for exemple, touch a file somewhere consul will be able to
test it, or putting down a host in maintenance.
How do you expose radosgw service over your application ?
cephadm nowadays ships an ingress services using haproxy for this
use case:
Thanks for the link. I've analysed the high-availability pattern
but I 've found the following cons about ceph proposal :
* the current active haproxy node can be considered as a bottleneck
because it handle all TCP connections. In addition it add a
significant overhead because require 2 TCP connections in total to
talk to rgw
* the keepalived failover mecanism "break" TCP connection at the
moment of the failover
* Is the cephadm module "drain" properly a node before to interact
(stop/restart...) on it ? because if not, haproxy do not bring
anything better than my consul service setup.
I'm thinking that haproxy+keepalive is a bit of complexity, a
service discovery oriented approach is more simple and provide a
"zero downtime" during all type of "planned maintenance"
What do you think ?
Is someone already use this "high-availability-service-for-rgw" in
a production environment ?
Have you any idea as workaround my issue ?
Plenty actually. cephadm itself does not provide a notification
mechanisms, but other component in the deployment stack might.
On the highest level we have the config-key store of the MONs. you
should be able to get notifications for config-key changes.
Unfortunately this would involve some Coding.
On the systemd level we have systemd-notify. I haven't looked into
but maybe you can get events about the rgw unit deployed by cephadm.
On the container level we have "podman events" that prints state
of containers.
To me a script that calls podman events on one hand and pushes
to consul sounds like the most promising solution to me.
In case you get this setup working properly, I'd love to read a blog
post about it.
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