In this case the release notes of 14.2.22 already contained the hint
that bluefs_buffered_io was set to true again after it had been disabled
some minor versions ago. So I guess the realease notes are the best
option to find infos about changes.
You could also dump all config settings on a monitor node just like this:
# ceph daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.*.asok config show > filename
and then do a diff before after, but I am usure how much changes you
would find then.
You can also show all configs of a daemon that have a default and look
for changes there eg:
# ceph config show-with-defaults osd.0
Have a nice day
Am 19.07.21 um 10:14 schrieb Marc:
We also use the new default with bluefs_buffered_io=true which probably
cause the higher OSD latencies seen. Since we do not use dmcrypt but
still have higher latencies as well as higher throuput it seems dmcrypt
ist not the only way to see these symptims.
Is it possible to dump these defaults (so you can dump them before and after a upgrade and compare/archive them)?
Rainer Krienke, Uni Koblenz, Rechenzentrum, A22, Universitaetsstrasse 1
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