Update on this issue:
If multiple public networks are indeed allowed (and I saw some docs
mentioning they are), then it seems to be a bug in
src/pybind/mgr/cephadm/serve.py _apply_service() method.
It just takes whatever is stored in "public_network" config variable and
tries to match it against discovered network of the monitor host. It
obviously fails as the "public_network" is comma-separated list.
Waiting for my bugtracker account to be approved to create a
bugreport+PR, seems to be an easy fix.
On 26/04/2021 23:45, Stanislav Datskevych wrote:
Hi all,
I've installed latest Pacific version 16.2.1 using Cephadm. I try
using multiple public networks with this setting:
ceph config set mon public_network ","
The networks seem to be successfully passed to /etc/ceph/ceph.conf on
the daemons, however I constantly see the following messages in the log:
4/26/21 11:40:05 PM[INF]Filtered out host mon-1: could not verify host
allowed virtual ips
4/26/21 11:40:05 PM[INF]Filtered out host mon-2: could not verify host
allowed virtual ips
4/26/21 11:40:05 PM[INF]Filtered out host mon-3: could not verify host
allowed virtual ips
As the result, ceph orch doesn't deploy any monitor. Eventually I was
able to deploy monitors by first setting public_network to, then deploy monitors in this subnet, then setting
public_network to, deploy the rest of monitors.
Is this some kind of bug or I miss something?
Thanks for the replies in advance.
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