In some documentation I was reading last night about laying out OSDs, it
was suggested that if more that one OSD uses the same NVMe drive, the
failure-domain should probably be set to node. However, for a small
cluster the inclination is to use EC-pools and failure-domain = OSD.
I was wondering if there is a middle ground - could we define
failure-domain = NVMe? I think the map would need to be defined
manually in the same way that failure-domain = rack requires information
about which nodes are in each rack.
Example: My latest OSD nodes have 8 HDDs and 3 U.2 NVMe. I'd set up
the WAL/DB for with HDDs per OSD (wasted space on the 3rd NVMe).
Across all my OSD nodes I will have 8 HDDs and either 2 or 3 NVMe
devices per node - 15 total NVMe devices. My preferred EC-pool profile
is 8+2. It seems that this profile could be safely dispersed across 15
failure domains, resulting in protection against NVMe failure.
Please let me know if this is worth pursuing.
Dave Hall
Binghamton University
607-760-2328 (Cell)
607-777-4641 (Office)
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