I'm not sure that the tenant solution is what the OP wants - my reading
is that running under a different tenant allows you have different
tenants use the same bucket and user names but still be distinct, which
wasn't what I thought was meant.
You can however get RGW to accept a list of host names regardless of
domain. Assuming you are using the default zone (adjust if otherwise):
Extract the default zonegroup settings:
radosgw-admin zonegroup get > zg-default
Edit zg-default looking for "hostnames" and adjust to be a list of the
required ones (short and/or FQDN according to what the clients use).
Then install the updated settings:
radosgw-admin zonegroup set --infile zg-default
and restart all the RGW instances.
We do this when fronting RGW with HAProxy, to include the individual
hostnames used by the HAProxy backend.
Regards, Chris
On 22/02/2021 14:29, Freddy Andersen wrote:
You need to enable users with tenants … https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/multitenancy/
From: Simon Pierre DESROSIERS <simonpierre.desrosiers@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Monday, February 22, 2021 at 7:27 AM
To: ceph-users@xxxxxxx <ceph-users@xxxxxxx>
Subject: multiple-domain for S3 on rgws with same ceph backend on one zone
We have functional ceph swarm with a pair of S3 rgw in front that uses
A.B.C.D domain to be accessed.
Now a new client asks to have access using the domain : E.C.D, but to
already existing buckets. This is not a scenario discussed in the docs.
Apparently, looking at the code and by trying it, rgw does not support
multiple domains for the variable rgw_dns_name.
But reading through parts of the code, I am no dev, and my c++ is 25 years
rusty, I get the impression that maybe we could just add a second pair of
rgw S3 servers that would give service to the same buckets, but using a
different domain.
Am I wrong ? Let's say this works, is this an unconscious behaviour that
the ceph team would remove down the road ?
Is there another solution that I might have missed ? We do not have
multi-zone and there are no plans for it. And Cname (rgw_resolve_cname)
seems to only be of use when using static sites (again, from my poor code
reading abilities).
Thank you
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