Just sharing my xp : - storing photos for photoways, now photobox in early 2000. A bug in the HP storage enclosure earase all the raidgroup. 3 weeks to recalculate all the thumbnail with a dedicated server specialized in resizing images. - little emc storage with something like 10 disk. 3 for the OS ... an embed windows as I understood. And hundred of dollars per month to get the performance monitoring. I use to be the monitoring guy for a UK telco compagny - the smart netapp .... too smart for me. propriatary solutions are too expensive, too magic and it's very difficult to understand how it works, and pretty impossible to put fingers in it. So ceph is the definitive way of doing storage. Clearly. Many thx for your great work. Le mardi 21 juillet 2020 à 15:40 +0200, Marc Roos a écrit : > > > I'm happy user since 2014 and I never lost any data. When I > > > remember > > > how painfull was the firmware upgrade of emc, netapp, hp storage > > > and > the > > > time passed to recover lost data ..... Ceph is just amazing ! > > Interesting I always wondered how ceph compares to propriatary solutions. I am getting the impression that closed source > > environments > will not survive in the long run. If you see how eg CERN is handling > this 'bug of the year'. It just shows the value of large support > base, > and having access to detailed info like this lz4 patch. > > > _______________________________________________ ceph-users mailing list -- ceph-users@xxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to ceph-users-leave@xxxxxxx