Hello Lars,

we have full SMB Support in our Ceph management solution. You can create simple (user+pass) or complex SMB (AD) high available shares on CTDB clustered Samba with ease.
Please see the attached Screenshots

Martin Verges
Managing director
Mobile: +49 174 9335695
E-Mail: martin.verges@xxxxxxxx
Chat: https://t.me/MartinVerges
croit GmbH, Freseniusstr. 31h, 81247 Munich
CEO: Martin Verges - VAT-ID: DE310638492
Com. register: Amtsgericht Munich HRB 231263
Web: https://croit.io
YouTube: https://goo.gl/PGE1Bx
Managing director
Hint: Secure one of the last slots in the upcoming 4-day Ceph Intensive Training at https://croit.io/training/4-days-ceph-in-depth-training.
Mobile: +49 174 9335695
E-Mail: martin.verges@xxxxxxxx
Chat: https://t.me/MartinVerges
croit GmbH, Freseniusstr. 31h, 81247 Munich
CEO: Martin Verges - VAT-ID: DE310638492
Com. register: Amtsgericht Munich HRB 231263
Web: https://croit.io
YouTube: https://goo.gl/PGE1Bx
Am Do., 13. Feb. 2020 um 10:03 Uhr schrieb Lars Täuber <taeuber@xxxxxxx>:
I don't have samba experiences. Isn't the installation and administration of a samba server just for one "share" overkill?
Thu, 13 Feb 2020 09:36:31 +0100
"Marc Roos" <M.Roos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ==> ceph-users <ceph-users@xxxxxxx>, taeuber <taeuber@xxxxxxx> :
> Via smb, much discussed here
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 13 February 2020 09:33
> To: ceph-users@xxxxxxx
> Subject: Ceph and Windows - experiences or suggestions
> Hi there!
> I got the task to connect a Windows client to our existing ceph cluster.
> I'm looking for experiences or suggestions from the community.
> There came two possibilities to my mind:
> 1. iSCSI Target on RBD exported to Windows
> 2. NFS-Ganesha on CephFS exported to Windows
> Is there a third way exporting a ceph cluster to a windows machine?
> I have some experiences with CephFS. We have a small cluster
> successfully running for linux clients. I don't have experiences with
> RBD or iSCSI.
> The Windows machine will use the space for backups. The kind of data is
> unknown. I expect the data to be a MS-SQL dump and user data from a
> sharepoint system. The Windows admin does not care whether NFS or iSCSI
> is used.
> I'd be happy if some of you could share experiences.
> Thanks
> Lars
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