Re: iSCSI LUN and target Maximums in ceph-iscsi-3.0+

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On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 3:47 PM Wesley Dillingham
<wdillingham@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I am trying to determine some sizing limitations for a potential iSCSI deployment and wondering whats still the current lay of the land:
> Are the following still accurate as of the ceph-iscsi-3.0 implementation assuming CentOS 7.6+ and the latest python-rtslib etc from shaman:
> Limit of 4 gateways per cluster (source:

Yes -- at least that's what's tested. I don't know of any immediate
code-level restrictions, however. You can technically isolate a
cluster of iSCSI gateways by configuring them to access their
configuration from different pools. Of course, then things like the
Ceph Dashboard won't work correctly.

> Limit of 256 LUNS per target (source: ) there is mention of this being updated in this comment: per an update to rtslib but I still see the limit as 256 here: wondering if this is just an outdated limit or there is still valid reason to limit the number of LUNs per target

Still a limit although it could possibly be removed. Until recently,
it was painfully slow to add hundreds of LUNs, so assuming that has
been addressed, perhaps this limit could be removed -- it just makes
testing harder.

> Limit of 1 target per cluster:

SUSE added support for multiple targets per cluster.

> Thanks in advance.
> Respectfully,
> Wes Dillingham
> wdillingham@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Site Reliability Engineer IV - Platform Storage / Ceph
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