Re: How to properly clean up bluestore disks

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On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 10:55 AM Sergei Genchev <sgenchev@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  Hello,
> I have a server with 18 disks, and 17 OSD daemons configured. One of the OSD daemons failed to deploy with ceph-deploy. The reason for failing is unimportant at this point, I believe it was race condition, as I was running ceph-deploy inside while loop for all disks in this server.
>   Now I have two left over LVM dmcrypded volumes that I am not sure how clean up. The command that failed and did not quite clean up after itself was:
> ceph-deploy osd create --bluestore --dmcrypt --data /dev/sdd --block-db osvg/sdd-db ${SERVERNAME}
> # lsblk
> .......
> sdd                                             8:48   0   7.3T  0 disk
> └─ceph--f4efa78f--a467--4214--b550--81653da1c9bd-osd--block--097d59be--bbe6--493a--b785--48b259d2ff35
>                                               253:32   0   7.3T  0 lvm
>   └─AeV0iG-odWF-NRPE-1bVK-0mxH-OgHL-fneTzr    253:33   0   7.3T  0 crypt
> sds                                            65:32   0 223.5G  0 disk
> ├─sds1                                         65:33   0   512M  0 part  /boot
> └─sds2                                         65:34   0   223G  0 part
>  .......
>    ├─osvg-sdd--db                              253:8    0     8G  0 lvm
>    │ └─2ukzAx-g9pZ-IyxU-Sp9h-fHv2-INNY-1vTpvz  253:34   0     8G  0 crypt
> # ceph-volume inventory /dev/sdd
> ====== Device report /dev/sdd ======
>      available                 False
>      rejected reasons          locked
>      path                      /dev/sdd
>      scheduler mode            deadline
>      rotational                1
>      vendor                    SEAGATE
>      human readable size       7.28 TB
>      sas address               0x5000c500a6b1d581
>      removable                 0
>      model                     ST8000NM0185
>      ro                        0
>     --- Logical Volume ---
>      cluster name              ceph
>      name                      osd-block-097d59be-bbe6-493a-b785-48b259d2ff35
>      osd id                    39
>      cluster fsid              8e7a3953-7647-4133-9b9a-7f4a2e2b7da7
>      type                      block
>      block uuid                AeV0iG-odWF-NRPE-1bVK-0mxH-OgHL-fneTzr
>      osd fsid                  097d59be-bbe6-493a-b785-48b259d2ff35
> I was trying to run
> ceph-volume lvm zap --destroy /dev/sdd but it errored out. Osd id on this volume is the same as on next drive, /dev/sde, and osd.39 daemon is running. This command was trying to zap running osd.
> What is the proper way to clean both data and block db volumes, so I can rerun ceph-deploy again, and add them to the pool?

Do you want to keep the LVs around or you want to complete get rid of
them? If you are passing /dev/sdd to 'zap' you are telling the tool to
destroy everything that is in there, regardless of who owns it
(including running

If you want to keep LVs around then you can omit the --destroy flag
and pass the LVs as input, or if using a recent enough version you can
use --osd-fsid to zap:

ceph-volume lvm zap osvg-sdd-db/2ukzAx-g9pZ-IyxU-Sp9h-fHv2-INNY-1vTpvz

If you don't want the LVs around you can add --destroy, but use the LV
as input (not the device)

> Thank you!
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