How to properly clean up bluestore disks

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I have a server with 18 disks, and 17 OSD daemons configured. One of the OSD daemons failed to deploy with ceph-deploy. The reason for failing is unimportant at this point, I believe it was race condition, as I was running ceph-deploy inside while loop for all disks in this server.
  Now I have two left over LVM dmcrypded volumes that I am not sure how clean up. The command that failed and did not quite clean up after itself was:
ceph-deploy osd create --bluestore --dmcrypt --data /dev/sdd --block-db osvg/sdd-db ${SERVERNAME}

# lsblk
sdd                                             8:48   0   7.3T  0 disk 
                                              253:32   0   7.3T  0 lvm  
  └─AeV0iG-odWF-NRPE-1bVK-0mxH-OgHL-fneTzr    253:33   0   7.3T  0 crypt

sds                                            65:32   0 223.5G  0 disk 
├─sds1                                         65:33   0   512M  0 part  /boot
└─sds2                                         65:34   0   223G  0 part 
   ├─osvg-sdd--db                              253:8    0     8G  0 lvm  
   │ └─2ukzAx-g9pZ-IyxU-Sp9h-fHv2-INNY-1vTpvz  253:34   0     8G  0 crypt

# ceph-volume inventory /dev/sdd

====== Device report /dev/sdd ======

     available                 False
     rejected reasons          locked
     path                      /dev/sdd
     scheduler mode            deadline
     rotational                1
     vendor                    SEAGATE
     human readable size       7.28 TB
     sas address               0x5000c500a6b1d581
     removable                 0
     model                     ST8000NM0185
     ro                        0
    --- Logical Volume ---
     cluster name              ceph
     name                      osd-block-097d59be-bbe6-493a-b785-48b259d2ff35
     osd id                    39
     cluster fsid              8e7a3953-7647-4133-9b9a-7f4a2e2b7da7
     type                      block
     block uuid                AeV0iG-odWF-NRPE-1bVK-0mxH-OgHL-fneTzr
     osd fsid                  097d59be-bbe6-493a-b785-48b259d2ff35

I was trying to run
ceph-volume lvm zap --destroy /dev/sdd but it errored out. Osd id on this volume is the same as on next drive, /dev/sde, and osd.39 daemon is running. This command was trying to zap running osd.

What is the proper way to clean both data and block db volumes, so I can rerun ceph-deploy again, and add them to the pool?

Thank you!

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