Thanks for your feedback !
I increased debug_ms to 1/5.
This is another slow request (full output from 'ceph daemon osd.5 dump_historic_ops' for this event is attached):
"description": "osd_op(client.171725953.0:404377591 8.9b 8:d90adab6:
::rbd_data.c47f3c390c8495.000000000001934a:head [set-alloc-hint object_size 4194
304 write_size 4194304,write 1413120~122880] snapc 0=[] ondisk+write+known_if_re
directed e1205833)",
"initiated_at": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.404655",
"age": 387.914193,
"duration": 340.224154,
"type_data": {
"flag_point": "commit sent; apply or cleanup",
"client_info": {
"client": "client.171725953",
"client_addr": "",
"tid": 404377591
"events": [
"time": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.404655",
"event": "initiated"
"time": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.416752",
"event": "op_applied"
"time": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.417200",
"event": "sub_op_commit_rec from 14"
"time": "2019-02-09 07:35:14.628724",
"event": "sub_op_commit_rec from 29"
osd.5 has IP
osd.14 has IP
osd.29 has IP
Grepping using that client id from osd.5 log as far as I can understand (please correct me if my debugging is completely wrong) the request to 5 and 14 is sent at 07:29:34:
2019-02-09 07:29:34.415808 7f5faf4b4700 1 -- --> -- osd_repop(client.171725953.0:404377591 8.9b e1205833/1205735 8:d90ada\
b6:::rbd_data.c47f3c390c8495.000000000001934a:head v 1205833'4767322) v2 -- 0x56307bb61e00 con 0
2019-02-09 07:29:34.415868 7f5faf4b4700 1 -- --> -- osd_repop(client.171725953.0:404377591 8.9b e1205833/1205735 8:d90ad\
ab6:::rbd_data.c47f3c390c8495.000000000001934a:head v 1205833'4767322) v2 -- 0x56308ca42400 con 0
2019-02-09 07:29:34.417132 7f5fcf60f700 1 -- <== osd.14 11242 ==== osd_repop_reply(client.171725953.0:404377591 8.9b e120\
5833/1205735) v2 ==== 111+0+0 (634943494 0 0) 0x563090642780 con 0x56308bbd0000
The answer from 14 arrives immediately:
2019-02-09 07:29:34.417132 7f5fcf60f700 1 -- <== osd.14 11242 ==== osd_repop_reply(client.171725953.0:404377591 8.9b e120\
5833/1205735) v2 ==== 111+0+0 (634943494 0 0) 0x563090642780 con 0x56308bbd0000
while the one from 29 arrives only at 7.35:
2019-02-09 07:35:14.628614 7f5fcee0e700 1 -- <== osd.29 1952 ==== osd_repop_reply(client.171725953.0:404377591 8.9b e120\
5833/1205735) v2 ==== 111+0+0 (3804866849 0 0) 0x56308f3f2a00 con 0x56308bf61000
In osd.29 log it looks like the request only arrives at 07.35 (and it promptly replies):
2019-02-09 07:35:14.627462 7f99972cc700 1 -- <== osd.5 2527 ==== osd_repop(client.171725953.0:404377591 8.9b e1205833/1205735) v2 ==== 1050+0+123635 (1225076790 0 171428115) 0x5610f5128a00 con 0x5610fc5bf000
2019-02-09 07:35:14.628343 7f998d6d4700 1 -- --> -- osd_repop_reply(client.171725953.0:404377591 8.9b e1205833/1205735 ondisk, result = 0) v2 -- 0x5610f4a51180 con 0
Network problems ?
Full logs for the 3 relevant OSDs (just for that time period) is at:
Thanks again !
Cheers, Massimo
On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 11:50 PM Brad Hubbard <bhubbard@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Try capturing another log with debug_ms turned up. 1 or 5 should be Ok
to start with.
On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 8:37 PM Massimo Sgaravatto
<massimo.sgaravatto@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Our Luminous ceph cluster have been worked without problems for a while, but in the last days we have been suffering from continuous slow requests.
> We have indeed done some changes in the infrastructure recently:
> - Moved OSD nodes to a new switch
> - Increased pg nums for a pool, to have about ~ 100 PGs/OSD (also because we have to install new OSDs in the cluster). The output of 'ceph osd df' is attached.
> The problem could also be due to some ''bad' client, but in the log I don't see a clear "correlation" with specific clients or images for such blocked requests.
> I also tried to update to latest luminous release and latest CentOS7, but this didn't help.
> Attached you can find the detail of one of such slow operations which took about 266 secs (output from 'ceph daemon osd.11 dump_historic_ops').
> So as far as I can understand from these events:
> {
> "time": "2019-02-08 10:26:25.651728",
> "event": "op_commit"
> },
> {
> "time": "2019-02-08 10:26:25.651965",
> "event": "op_applied"
> },
> {
> "time": "2019-02-08 10:26:25.653236",
> "event": "sub_op_commit_rec from 33"
> },
> {
> "time": "2019-02-08 10:30:51.890404",
> "event": "sub_op_commit_rec from 23"
> },
> the problem seems with the "sub_op_commit_rec from 23" event which took too much.
> So the problem is that the answer from OSD 23 took to much ?
> In the logs of the 2 OSD (11 and 23)in that time frame (attached) I can't find anything useful.
> When the problem happened the load and the usage of memory was not high in the relevant nodes.
> Any help to debug the issue is really appreciated ! :-)
> Thanks, Massimo
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{ "description": "osd_op(client.171725953.0:404377591 8.9b 8:d90adab6:::rbd_data.c47f3c390c8495.000000000001934a:head [set-alloc-hint object_size 4194304 write_size 4194304,write 1413120~122880] snapc 0=[] ondisk+write+known_if_redirected e1205833)", "initiated_at": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.404655", "age": 387.914193, "duration": 340.224154, "type_data": { "flag_point": "commit sent; apply or cleanup", "client_info": { "client": "client.171725953", "client_addr": "", "tid": 404377591 }, "events": [ { "time": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.404655", "event": "initiated" }, { "time": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.415559", "event": "queued_for_pg" }, { "time": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.415581", "event": "reached_pg" }, { "time": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.415665", "event": "started" }, { "time": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.415770", "event": "waiting for subops from 14,29" }, { "time": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.415984", "event": "commit_queued_for_journal_write" }, { "time": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.415984", "event": "commit_queued_for_journal_write" }, { "time": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.415997", "event": "write_thread_in_journal_buffer" }, { "time": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.416374", "event": "journaled_completion_queued" }, { "time": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.416405", "event": "op_commit" }, { "time": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.416752", "event": "op_applied" }, { "time": "2019-02-09 07:29:34.417200", "event": "sub_op_commit_rec from 14" }, { "time": "2019-02-09 07:35:14.628724", "event": "sub_op_commit_rec from 29" }, { "time": "2019-02-09 07:35:14.628786", "event": "commit_sent" }, { "time": "2019-02-09 07:35:14.628809", "event": "done" } ] } },
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