I'm seeing some interesting performance issues with file overwriting on
Creating lots of files is fast:
for i in $(seq 1 1000); do
echo $i; echo test > a.$i
Deleting lots of files is fast:
rm a.*
As is creating them again.
However, repeatedly creating the same file over and over again is slow:
for i in $(seq 1 1000); do
echo $i; echo test > a
And it's still slow if the file is created with a new name and then
moved over:
for i in $(seq 1 1000); do
echo $i; echo test > a.$i; mv a.$i a
While appending to a single file is really fast:
for i in $(seq 1 1000); do
echo $i; echo test >> a
As is repeatedly writing to offset 0:
for i in $(seq 1 1000); do
echo $i; echo $RANDOM | dd of=a bs=128 conv=notrunc
But truncating the file first slows it back down again:
for i in $(seq 1 1000); do
echo $i; truncate -s 0 a; echo test >> a
All of these things are reasonably fast on a local FS, of course. I'm
using the kernel client (4.18) with Ceph 13.2.4, and the relevant CephFS
data and metadata pools are rep-3 on HDDs. It seems to me that any
operation that *reduces* a file's size for any given filename, or
replaces it with another inode, has a large overhead.
I have an application that stores some flag data in a file, using the
usual open/write/close/rename dance to atomically overwrite it, and this
operation is currently the bottleneck (while doing a bunch of other
processing on files on CephFS). I'm considering changing it to use a
xattr to store the data instead, which seems like it should be atomic
and performs a lot better:
for i in $(seq 1 1000); do
echo $i; setfattr -n user.foo -v "test$RANDOM" a
Alternatively, is there a more CephFS-friendly atomic overwrite pattern
than the usual open/write/close/rename? Can it e.g. guarantee that a
write at offset 0 of less than the page size is atomic? I could easily
make the writes equal-sized and thus avoid truncations and remove the
rename dance, if I can guarantee they're atomic.
Is there any documentation on what write operations incur significant
overhead on CephFS like this, and why? This particular issue isn't
mentioned in http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/cephfs/app-best-practices/
(which seems like it mostly deals with reads, not writes).
Hector Martin (hector@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
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