On 03/11/2018 06:03, Hayashida, Mami wrote:
ceph-volume lvm activate --all
--> Activating OSD ID 67 FSID 17cd6755-76f9-4160-906c-XXXXXX
Running command: mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-67
--> Absolute path not found for executable: restorecon
--> Ensure $PATH environment variable contains common executable locations
Running command: ceph-bluestore-tool --cluster=ceph prime-osd-dir --dev
/dev/hdd67/data67 --path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-67
stderr: failed to read label for /dev/hdd67/data67: (2) No such file
or directory
--> RuntimeError: command returned non-zero exit status:
That looks like that LV does not exist or is not activated. What do
`pvs`, `vgs`, and `lvs` say? Does /dev/hdd67/data67 exist? If not, does
/dev/mapper/hdd67-data67 exist?
Nov 02 15:47:16 osd1.oxxxxx.uky.edu <http://osd1.oxxxxx.uky.edu>
ceph-osd[3473621]: 2018-11-02 15:47:16.322229 7f687feb3700 -1 received
signal: Terminated from PID: 1 task name: /lib/systemd/systemd --system
--deserialize 20 UID: 0
Nov 02 15:47:16 osd1.xxxxx.uky.edu <http://osd1.xxxxx.uky.edu>
ceph-osd[3473621]: 2018-11-02 15:47:16.322253 7f687feb3700 -1 osd.60
48504 *** Got signal Terminated ***
Nov 02 15:47:16 osd1.xxxxx.uky.edu <http://osd1.xxxxx.uky.edu>
ceph-osd[3473621]: 2018-11-02 15:47:16.676625 7f687feb3700 -1 osd.60
48504 shutdown
Nov 02 16:34:05 osd1.oxxxxx.uky.edu <http://osd1.oxxxxx.uky.edu>
systemd[1]: Stopped Ceph object storage daemon osd.60.
That looks like a deliberate, clean shutdown triggered via systemd (as
in "systemctl stop ceph-osd@60" or something triggering an equivalent
action). Unfortunately there's nothing in the log to suggest what caused
this, assuming it wasn't intended/manual. What happens if you just try
to start the OSDs again? Maybe check the overall system log with
journalctl for hints.
Hector Martin (hector@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
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