Re: ceph-fuse using excessive memory

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It looks like I have a process that can reproduce the problem at will.  Attached is a quick plot of the RSS memory usage of ceph-fuse over a period of 13-14 hours or so (the x axis is minutes, the y axis is bytes).  It looks like the process steadily grows up to about 200GB and then its memory usage stabilizes.  So something comes to equilibrium at the 200GB size.  What would be a good way to further understand where the memory goes?  I could even run some instrumented binary if needed to further pin down what is happening.  As I mentioned below, we are running with somewhat increased memory related settings in /etc/ceph.conf, but based on my understanding of the parameters, they shouldn't amount to such high memory usage.


On 09/05/2018 10:15 AM, Andras Pataki wrote:
Below are the performance counters.  Some scientific workflows trigger this - some parts of them are quite data intensive - they process thousands of files over many hours to days.  The 200GB ceph-fuse got there in about 3 days.  I'm keeping the node alive for now in case we can extract some more definitive info on what is happening there.


# ceph daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-client.admin.asok perf dump
    "AsyncMessenger::Worker-0": {
        "msgr_recv_messages": 37730,
        "msgr_send_messages": 37731,
        "msgr_recv_bytes": 1121379127,
        "msgr_send_bytes": 11913693154,
        "msgr_created_connections": 75333,
        "msgr_active_connections": 730,
        "msgr_running_total_time": 642.152166956,
        "msgr_running_send_time": 536.723862752,
        "msgr_running_recv_time": 25.429112242,
        "msgr_running_fast_dispatch_time": 63.814291954
    "AsyncMessenger::Worker-1": {
        "msgr_recv_messages": 38507,
        "msgr_send_messages": 38467,
        "msgr_recv_bytes": 1240174043,
        "msgr_send_bytes": 11673685736,
        "msgr_created_connections": 75479,
        "msgr_active_connections": 729,
        "msgr_running_total_time": 628.670562086,
        "msgr_running_send_time": 523.772820969,
        "msgr_running_recv_time": 25.902871268,
        "msgr_running_fast_dispatch_time": 62.375965165
    "AsyncMessenger::Worker-2": {
        "msgr_recv_messages": 597697,
        "msgr_send_messages": 504640,
        "msgr_recv_bytes": 1314713236,
        "msgr_send_bytes": 11880445442,
        "msgr_created_connections": 75338,
        "msgr_active_connections": 728,
        "msgr_running_total_time": 711.909282325,
        "msgr_running_send_time": 556.195748166,
        "msgr_running_recv_time": 127.267332682,
        "msgr_running_fast_dispatch_time": 62.209721085
    "client": {
        "reply": {
            "avgcount": 236795,
            "sum": 6177.205536940,
            "avgtime": 0.026086722
        "lat": {
            "avgcount": 236795,
            "sum": 6177.205536940,
            "avgtime": 0.026086722
        "wrlat": {
            "avgcount": 857828153,
            "sum": 8413.835066735,
            "avgtime": 0.000009808
    "objectcacher-libcephfs": {
        "cache_ops_hit": 4160412,
        "cache_ops_miss": 4887,
        "cache_bytes_hit": 3247294145494,
        "cache_bytes_miss": 12914144260,
        "data_read": 48923557765,
        "data_written": 35292875783,
        "data_flushed": 35292681606,
        "data_overwritten_while_flushing": 0,
        "write_ops_blocked": 0,
        "write_bytes_blocked": 0,
        "write_time_blocked": 0.000000000
    "objecter": {
        "op_active": 0,
        "op_laggy": 0,
        "op_send": 111268,
        "op_send_bytes": 35292681606,
        "op_resend": 0,
        "op_reply": 111268,
        "op": 111268,
        "op_r": 2193,
        "op_w": 109075,
        "op_rmw": 0,
        "op_pg": 0,
        "osdop_stat": 2,
        "osdop_create": 2,
        "osdop_read": 2193,
        "osdop_write": 109071,
        "osdop_writefull": 0,
        "osdop_writesame": 0,
        "osdop_append": 0,
        "osdop_zero": 0,
        "osdop_truncate": 0,
        "osdop_delete": 0,
        "osdop_mapext": 0,
        "osdop_sparse_read": 0,
        "osdop_clonerange": 0,
        "osdop_getxattr": 0,
        "osdop_setxattr": 0,
        "osdop_cmpxattr": 0,
        "osdop_rmxattr": 0,
        "osdop_resetxattrs": 0,
        "osdop_tmap_up": 0,
        "osdop_tmap_put": 0,
        "osdop_tmap_get": 0,
        "osdop_call": 0,
        "osdop_watch": 0,
        "osdop_notify": 0,
        "osdop_src_cmpxattr": 0,
        "osdop_pgls": 0,
        "osdop_pgls_filter": 0,
        "osdop_other": 0,
        "linger_active": 0,
        "linger_send": 0,
        "linger_resend": 0,
        "linger_ping": 0,
        "poolop_active": 0,
        "poolop_send": 0,
        "poolop_resend": 0,
        "poolstat_active": 0,
        "poolstat_send": 0,
        "poolstat_resend": 0,
        "statfs_active": 0,
        "statfs_send": 1348,
        "statfs_resend": 0,
        "command_active": 0,
        "command_send": 0,
        "command_resend": 0,
        "map_epoch": 1079783,
        "map_full": 0,
        "map_inc": 632,
        "osd_sessions": 2160,
        "osd_session_open": 226144,
        "osd_session_close": 223984,
        "osd_laggy": 0,
        "omap_wr": 0,
        "omap_rd": 0,
        "omap_del": 0
    "throttle-msgr_dispatch_throttler-client": {
        "val": 0,
        "max": 104857600,
        "get_started": 0,
        "get": 673934,
        "get_sum": 3626395290,
        "get_or_fail_fail": 0,
        "get_or_fail_success": 673934,
        "take": 0,
        "take_sum": 0,
        "put": 673934,
        "put_sum": 3626395290,
        "wait": {
            "avgcount": 0,
            "sum": 0.000000000,
            "avgtime": 0.000000000
    "throttle-objecter_bytes": {
        "val": 0,
        "max": 104857600,
        "get_started": 0,
        "get": 0,
        "get_sum": 0,
        "get_or_fail_fail": 0,
        "get_or_fail_success": 0,
        "take": 111268,
        "take_sum": 38456168409,
        "put": 111264,
        "put_sum": 38456168409,
        "wait": {
            "avgcount": 0,
            "sum": 0.000000000,
            "avgtime": 0.000000000
    "throttle-objecter_ops": {
        "val": 0,
        "max": 1024,
        "get_started": 0,
        "get": 0,
        "get_sum": 0,
        "get_or_fail_fail": 0,
        "get_or_fail_success": 0,
        "take": 111268,
        "take_sum": 111268,
        "put": 111268,
        "put_sum": 111268,
        "wait": {
            "avgcount": 0,
            "sum": 0.000000000,
            "avgtime": 0.000000000

On 09/05/2018 10:00 AM, Sage Weil wrote:
On Wed, 5 Sep 2018, Andras Pataki wrote:
Hi cephers,

Every so often we have a ceph-fuse process that grows to rather large size (up to eating up the whole memory of the machine).  Here is an example of a 200GB
RSS size ceph-fuse instance:

# ceph daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-client.admin.asok dump_mempools
     "bloom_filter": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "bluestore_alloc": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "bluestore_cache_data": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "bluestore_cache_onode": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "bluestore_cache_other": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "bluestore_fsck": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "bluestore_txc": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "bluestore_writing_deferred": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "bluestore_writing": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "bluefs": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "buffer_anon": {
         "items": 51534897,
         "bytes": 207321872398
     "buffer_meta": {
         "items": 64,
         "bytes": 5632
     "osd": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "osd_mapbl": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "osd_pglog": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "osdmap": {
         "items": 28593,
         "bytes": 431872
     "osdmap_mapping": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "pgmap": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "mds_co": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "unittest_1": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "unittest_2": {
         "items": 0,
         "bytes": 0
     "total": {
         "items": 51563554,
         "bytes": 207322309902

The general cache size looks like this (if it is helpful I can put a whole
cache dump somewhere):

# ceph daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-client.admin.asok dump_cache | grep path | wc
# ceph daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-client.admin.asok dump_cache | grep name | wc

Any ideas what 'buffer_anon' is and what could be eating up the 200GB of
buffer_anon is memory consumed by the bufferlist class that hasn't been
explicitly put into a separate mempool category.  The question is
where/why are buffers getting pinned in memory.  Can you dump the
perfcounters?  That might give some hint.

My guess is a leak, or a problem with the ObjectCacher code that is
preventing it from timming older buffers.

How reproducible is the situation?  Any idea what workloads trigger it?


We are running with a few ceph-fuse specific parameters increased in

    # Description:  Set the number of inodes that the client keeps in
    the metadata cache.
    # Default:      16384
    client_cache_size = 262144

    # Description:  Set the maximum number of dirty bytes in the object
    # Default:      104857600 (100MB)
    client_oc_max_dirty = 536870912

    # Description:  Set the maximum number of objects in the object cache.
    # Default:      1000
    client_oc_max_objects = 8192

    # Description:  Set how many bytes of data will the client cache.
    # Default:      209715200 (200 MB)
    client_oc_size = 2147483640

    # Description:  Set the maximum number of bytes that the kernel
    reads ahead for future read operations. Overridden by the
    client_readahead_max_periods setting.
    # Default:      0 (unlimited)
    #client_readahead_max_bytes = 67108864

    # Description:  Set the number of file layout periods (object size *
    number of stripes) that the kernel reads ahead. Overrides the
    client_readahead_max_bytes setting.
    # Default:      4
    client_readahead_max_periods = 64

    # Description:  Set the minimum number bytes that the kernel reads
    # Default:      131072 (128KB)
    client_readahead_min = 4194304

We are running a 12.2.7 ceph cluster, and the cluster is otherwise healthy.

Any hints would be appreciated.  Thanks,


Attachment: ceph-fuse-mem.png
Description: PNG image

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