pgs incomplete and inactive

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Hi, i've had a very ugly thing happen to me over the weekend. Some of my  OSDs in a root that handles metadata pools overflowed to 100% disk usage due to omap size(even though i had 97% full ratio, which is odd) and refused to start. There were some pgs on those OSDs that went away with them. I have tried compacting the omap, moving files away etc, but nothing  - i can't export the pgs, i get errors like this:

2018-08-27 04:42:33.436182 7fcb53382580  4 rocksdb: EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1535359353436170, "job": 1, "event": "recovery_started", "log_files": [5504, 5507]} 2018-08-27 04:42:33.436194 7fcb53382580  4 rocksdb: [/build/ceph-12.2.5/src/rocksdb/db/] Recovering log #5504 mode 2 2018-08-27 04:42:35.422502 7fcb53382580  4 rocksdb: [/build/ceph-12.2.5/src/rocksdb/db/] Shutdown: canceling all background work 2018-08-27 04:42:35.431613 7fcb53382580  4 rocksdb: [/build/ceph-12.2.5/src/rocksdb/db/] Shutdown complete 2018-08-27 04:42:35.431716 7fcb53382580 -1 rocksdb: IO error: No space left on device/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-5//current/omap/005507.sst: No space left on device
Mount failed with '(1) Operation not permitted'
2018-08-27 04:42:35.432945 7fcb53382580 -1 filestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-5/) mount(1723): Error initializing rocksdb :

I decided to take the loss and mark the osds as lost and remove them from the cluster, however, it left 4 pgs hanging in incomplete + inactive state, which apparently prevents my radosgw from starting. Is there another way to export/import the pgs into their new osds/recreate them? I'm running Luminous 12.2.5 on Ubuntu 16.04.



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