RBD imagen-level permissions

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Hey, I would like to know if there is any way on luminous to set 
imagen-level permissions per user instead of pool-level. If I only have 
pool level, then I could have 1 not-secured pool with clients accession 
any rbd or hundreds of little pools which are a mess.

I have read than previously some people used object_prefix to allow the 
user only to read and write the imagen objects, is that still possible?

On the official master documentation about users permissions, namespaces 
are mention but not object_prefix, I have also seen that namespaces on 
rbd is a future feature, what is the current status of the feature?, is 
there any release date or version?

Until namespaces feature is implemented on rbd, I would like to know if 
there is any work-around to achive the same functionality.

Jorge Pinilla López

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