On 04/06/2018 10:57 AM, Josef Zelenka wrote:
Hi everyone,
i'm currently setting up RGW multisite(one cluster is jewel(primary),
the other is luminous - this is only for testing, on prod we will have
the same version - jewel on both), but i can't get bucket
synchronization to work. Data gets synchronized fine when i upload it,
but when i delete it from the primary cluster, it only deletes the
metadata of the file on the secondary one, the files are still
there(can see it in rados df - pool states the same). Also, none of
the older buckets start synchronizing to the secondary cluster. It's
been quite a headache so far. Anyone who knows what might be wrong? I
can supply any needed info. THanks
Josef Zelenka
ceph-users mailing list
Your issue may be related to http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/22062 (fixed
in luminous for 12.2.3)? If not, it's probably something similar. In
general, I wouldn't recommend mixing releases in a multisite
configuration, as it's not something we do any testing for.
ceph-users mailing list