Re: Production 12.2.2 CephFS Cluster still broken, new Details

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On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 4:22 PM, Tobias Prousa <tobias.prousa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi there,
> regarding my ML post from yesterday (Upgrade from 12.2.1 to 12.2.2 broke my
> CephFs) I was able to get a little further with the suggested
> "cephfs-table-tool take_inos <max ino>". This made the whole issue with
> loads of "falsely free-marked inodes" go away.
> I then restarted MDS, kept all clients down so no client has mounted FS.
> Then I started an online MDS scrub
> ceph daemon mds.a scrub_path / recursive repair
> This again ran for about 3 hours, then MDS again marked FS damaged and
> changes its own state to standby (at least that is what I interpret from
> what I see. This happened exactly at the moment when the scrub hit a missing
> object. See end of logfile (default log level):
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.725484 7fc2342bc700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] :
> bad backtrace on inode
> 0x1000d3aede3(/home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/test-unwanted-simple.sbstore),
> rewriting it
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.725507 7fc2342bc700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] :
> Scrub error on inode 0x1000d3aede3
> (/home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/test-unwanted-simple.sbstore)
> see mds.b log and `damage ls` output for details
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.725569 7fc2342bc700 -1 mds.0.scrubstack
> _validate_inode_done scrub error on inode [inode 0x1000d3aede3 [2,head]
> /home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/test-unwanted-simple.sbstore
> auth v382 dirtyparent s=232 n(v0 b232 1=1+0) (iversion lock) | dirtyparent=1
> scrubqueue=0 0x55ef37c83200]:
> {"performed_validation":true,"passed_validation":false,"backtrace":{"checked":true,"passed":false,"read_ret_val":-61,"ondisk_value":"(-1)0x0:[]//","memoryvalue":"(0)0x1000d3aede3:[<0x1000d3aeda7/test-unwanted-simple.sbstore
> v382>,<0x10002de79e8/safebrowsing v7142119>,<0x10002de79df/dsjf5siv.default
> v4089757>,<0x10002de79de/firefox v3998050>,<0x10002de79dd/mozilla
> v4933047>,<0x100018bd837/.cache v115551644>,<0x10000000000/some_username
> v444724510>,<0x1/home v228039388>]//","error_str":"failed to read off disk;
> see
> retval"},"raw_stats":{"checked":false,"passed":false,"read_ret_val":0,"ondisk_value.dirstat":"f()","ondisk_value.rstat":"n()","memory_value.dirrstat":"f()","memory_value.rstat":"n()","error_str":""},"return_code":-61}
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.729992 7fc2342bc700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] :
> bad backtrace on inode
> 0x1000d3aedf1(/home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/testexcept-flashsubdoc-simple.sbstore),
> rewriting it
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.730022 7fc2342bc700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] :
> Scrub error on inode 0x1000d3aedf1
> (/home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/testexcept-flashsubdoc-simple.sbstore)
> see mds.b log and `damage ls` output for details
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.730077 7fc2342bc700 -1 mds.0.scrubstack
> _validate_inode_done scrub error on inode [inode 0x1000d3aedf1 [2,head]
> /home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/testexcept-flashsubdoc-simple.sbstore
> auth v384 dirtyparent s=232 n(v0 b232 1=1+0) (iversion lock) | dirtyparent=1
> scrubqueue=0 0x55ef3aa38a00]:
> {"performed_validation":true,"passed_validation":false,"backtrace":{"checked":true,"passed":false,"read_ret_val":-61,"ondisk_value":"(-1)0x0:[]//","memoryvalue":"(0)0x1000d3aedf1:[<0x1000d3aeda7/testexcept-flashsubdoc-simple.sbstore
> v384>,<0x10002de79e8/safebrowsing v7142119>,<0x10002de79df/dsjf5siv.default
> v4089757>,<0x10002de79de/firefox v3998050>,<0x10002de79dd/mozilla
> v4933047>,<0x100018bd837/.cache v115551644>,<0x10000000000/some_username
> v444724510>,<0x1/home v228039388>]//","error_str":"failed to read off disk;
> see
> retval"},"raw_stats":{"checked":false,"passed":false,"read_ret_val":0,"ondisk_value.dirstat":"f()","ondisk_value.rstat":"n()","memory_value.dirrstat":"f()","memory_value.rstat":"n()","error_str":""},"return_code":-61}
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.733389 7fc2342bc700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] :
> bad backtrace on inode
> 0x1000d3aedb6(/home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/test-malware-simple.cache),
> rewriting it
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.733420 7fc2342bc700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] :
> Scrub error on inode 0x1000d3aedb6
> (/home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/test-malware-simple.cache)
> see mds.b log and `damage ls` output for details
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.733475 7fc2342bc700 -1 mds.0.scrubstack
> _validate_inode_done scrub error on inode [inode 0x1000d3aedb6 [2,head]
> /home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/test-malware-simple.cache
> auth v366 dirtyparent s=44 n(v0 b44 1=1+0) (iversion lock) | dirtyparent=1
> scrubqueue=0 0x55ef37c78a00]:
> {"performed_validation":true,"passed_validation":false,"backtrace":{"checked":true,"passed":false,"read_ret_val":-61,"ondisk_value":"(-1)0x0:[]//","memoryvalue":"(0)0x1000d3aedb6:[<0x1000d3aeda7/test-malware-simple.cache
> v366>,<0x10002de79e8/safebrowsing v7142119>,<0x10002de79df/dsjf5siv.default
> v4089757>,<0x10002de79de/firefox v3998050>,<0x10002de79dd/mozilla
> v4933047>,<0x100018bd837/.cache v115551644>,<0x10000000000/some_username
> v444724510>,<0x1/home v228039388>]//","error_str":"failed to read off disk;
> see
> retval"},"raw_stats":{"checked":false,"passed":false,"read_ret_val":0,"ondisk_value.dirstat":"f()","ondisk_value.rstat":"n()","memory_value.dirrstat":"f()","memory_value.rstat":"n()","error_str":""},"return_code":-61}
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.772351 7fc2342bc700  0 mds.0.cache.dir(0x1000d3ae112)
> _fetched missing object for [dir 0x1000d3ae112
> /home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing-to_delete/
> [2,head] auth v=0 cv=0/0 ap=1+0+0 state=1073741952 f() n() hs=0+0,ss=0+0 |
> waiter=1 authpin=1 0x55eedee27a80]
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.772385 7fc2342bc700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] :
> dir 0x1000d3ae112 object missing on disk; some files may be lost
> (/home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing-to_delete)
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778009 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b respawn
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778028 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  e: '/usr/bin/ceph-mds'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778031 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  0: '/usr/bin/ceph-mds'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778036 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  1: '-i'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778038 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  2: 'b'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778040 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  3: '--pid-file'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778042 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  4:
> '/var/run/ceph/'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778044 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  5: '-c'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778046 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  6: '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778048 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  7: '--cluster'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778050 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  8: 'ceph'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778051 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  9: '--setuser'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778053 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  10: 'ceph'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778055 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  11: '--setgroup'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778057 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  12: 'ceph'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778104 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b respawning with exe
> /usr/bin/ceph-mds
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778107 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  exe_path /proc/self/exe
> 2017-12-11 22:29:06.186020 7f9ad28f41c0  0 ceph version 12.2.2
> (cf0baeeeeba3b47f9427c6c97e2144b094b7e5ba) luminous (stable), process
> (unknown), pid 3214
> 2017-12-11 22:29:10.604701 7f9acbb38700  1 mds.b handle_mds_map standby
> As long as MDS was still active, "damage ls" again gave me exactly 10001
> damages of damage_type "backtrace". Log implies that those backtraces cannot
> be fixed automatically. I could live with losing those 10k files, but I do
> not get why MDS switches to "standby" and marks FS damaged rendering it
> offline.
> ceph -s then reports something like: mds: cephfs-0/1/1 1:damaged 1:standby
> (not pasted but manually typed from my memory)
> Btw. in the log the MDS encountered two more "object missing on disk; some
> files may be lost" much earlier during that scrub (so three in total), but
> the first two did not make the MDS going to standby.
> I marked FS repaired, restarted MDS with mdf debug level 20 and reran a
> scrub on that particular path but this time MDS wouldn't mark whole FS
> damaged and stayed active. Will it only do so when finding three of those
> damages in a row?
> Is this a bug or is there something I would have to do to my cluster to get
> it back to stable working condition? Again, all this began with upgrading
> from 12.2.1 to 12.2.2.
> Furthermore, is there a way to get rid of those "broken" files (either bad
> backtrace or even more important those with missing objects) as I could live
> with losing certain files if it helps getting CephFS working stable again.

due to mds_damage_table_max_entries config,  mds became damaged after
it encountered 10000 errors (most errors are bad backtrace). Your
cephfs was created before backtrace was introduced. It's likely you
didn't create backtrace for all files when upgrading from pre-firefly
release ( The real
harmful corruption is "object missing on disk", if the missing object
is dirfrag, all files and sub-directories under it become
unaccessible. 'cephfs-data-scan scan_inodes' can recover these
unaccessible files/directories. If you can live with losing those
files/directories, you can use 'rados rmomapkey' to remove inodes with
bad objects.

good luck
Yan, Zheng

> Again, any help is highly appreciated, I need to get the FS back up as soon
> as possible. Thank you very much!
> Best regards,
> Tobi
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Tobias Prousa
> Leiter Entwicklung Datenlogger
> Industriestr. 1
> D-82140 Olching
> Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Olching
> Handelsregister: Amtsgericht München, HRB 183929
> Geschäftsführung: Stephan Bacher, Andreas Wocke
> Tel.: +49 (0)8142 / 50 13 60
> Fax.: +49 (0)8142 / 50 13 69
> eMail: tobias.prousa@xxxxxxxxx
> Web:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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