Re: Production 12.2.2 CephFS Cluster still broken, new Details

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On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 4:22 PM, Tobias Prousa <tobias.prousa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi there,
> regarding my ML post from yesterday (Upgrade from 12.2.1 to 12.2.2 broke my
> CephFs) I was able to get a little further with the suggested
> "cephfs-table-tool take_inos <max ino>". This made the whole issue with
> loads of "falsely free-marked inodes" go away.
> I then restarted MDS, kept all clients down so no client has mounted FS.
> Then I started an online MDS scrub
> ceph daemon mds.a scrub_path / recursive repair
> This again ran for about 3 hours, then MDS again marked FS damaged and
> changes its own state to standby (at least that is what I interpret from
> what I see. This happened exactly at the moment when the scrub hit a missing
> object. See end of logfile (default log level):
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.725484 7fc2342bc700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] :
> bad backtrace on inode
> 0x1000d3aede3(/home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/test-unwanted-simple.sbstore),
> rewriting it
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.725507 7fc2342bc700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] :
> Scrub error on inode 0x1000d3aede3
> (/home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/test-unwanted-simple.sbstore)
> see mds.b log and `damage ls` output for details
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.725569 7fc2342bc700 -1 mds.0.scrubstack
> _validate_inode_done scrub error on inode [inode 0x1000d3aede3 [2,head]
> /home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/test-unwanted-simple.sbstore
> auth v382 dirtyparent s=232 n(v0 b232 1=1+0) (iversion lock) | dirtyparent=1
> scrubqueue=0 0x55ef37c83200]:
> {"performed_validation":true,"passed_validation":false,"backtrace":{"checked":true,"passed":false,"read_ret_val":-61,"ondisk_value":"(-1)0x0:[]//","memoryvalue":"(0)0x1000d3aede3:[<0x1000d3aeda7/test-unwanted-simple.sbstore
> v382>,<0x10002de79e8/safebrowsing v7142119>,<0x10002de79df/dsjf5siv.default
> v4089757>,<0x10002de79de/firefox v3998050>,<0x10002de79dd/mozilla
> v4933047>,<0x100018bd837/.cache v115551644>,<0x10000000000/some_username
> v444724510>,<0x1/home v228039388>]//","error_str":"failed to read off disk;
> see
> retval"},"raw_stats":{"checked":false,"passed":false,"read_ret_val":0,"ondisk_value.dirstat":"f()","ondisk_value.rstat":"n()","memory_value.dirrstat":"f()","memory_value.rstat":"n()","error_str":""},"return_code":-61}
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.729992 7fc2342bc700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] :
> bad backtrace on inode
> 0x1000d3aedf1(/home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/testexcept-flashsubdoc-simple.sbstore),
> rewriting it
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.730022 7fc2342bc700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] :
> Scrub error on inode 0x1000d3aedf1
> (/home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/testexcept-flashsubdoc-simple.sbstore)
> see mds.b log and `damage ls` output for details
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.730077 7fc2342bc700 -1 mds.0.scrubstack
> _validate_inode_done scrub error on inode [inode 0x1000d3aedf1 [2,head]
> /home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/testexcept-flashsubdoc-simple.sbstore
> auth v384 dirtyparent s=232 n(v0 b232 1=1+0) (iversion lock) | dirtyparent=1
> scrubqueue=0 0x55ef3aa38a00]:
> {"performed_validation":true,"passed_validation":false,"backtrace":{"checked":true,"passed":false,"read_ret_val":-61,"ondisk_value":"(-1)0x0:[]//","memoryvalue":"(0)0x1000d3aedf1:[<0x1000d3aeda7/testexcept-flashsubdoc-simple.sbstore
> v384>,<0x10002de79e8/safebrowsing v7142119>,<0x10002de79df/dsjf5siv.default
> v4089757>,<0x10002de79de/firefox v3998050>,<0x10002de79dd/mozilla
> v4933047>,<0x100018bd837/.cache v115551644>,<0x10000000000/some_username
> v444724510>,<0x1/home v228039388>]//","error_str":"failed to read off disk;
> see
> retval"},"raw_stats":{"checked":false,"passed":false,"read_ret_val":0,"ondisk_value.dirstat":"f()","ondisk_value.rstat":"n()","memory_value.dirrstat":"f()","memory_value.rstat":"n()","error_str":""},"return_code":-61}
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.733389 7fc2342bc700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] :
> bad backtrace on inode
> 0x1000d3aedb6(/home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/test-malware-simple.cache),
> rewriting it
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.733420 7fc2342bc700  0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] :
> Scrub error on inode 0x1000d3aedb6
> (/home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/test-malware-simple.cache)
> see mds.b log and `damage ls` output for details
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.733475 7fc2342bc700 -1 mds.0.scrubstack
> _validate_inode_done scrub error on inode [inode 0x1000d3aedb6 [2,head]
> /home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing/test-malware-simple.cache
> auth v366 dirtyparent s=44 n(v0 b44 1=1+0) (iversion lock) | dirtyparent=1
> scrubqueue=0 0x55ef37c78a00]:
> {"performed_validation":true,"passed_validation":false,"backtrace":{"checked":true,"passed":false,"read_ret_val":-61,"ondisk_value":"(-1)0x0:[]//","memoryvalue":"(0)0x1000d3aedb6:[<0x1000d3aeda7/test-malware-simple.cache
> v366>,<0x10002de79e8/safebrowsing v7142119>,<0x10002de79df/dsjf5siv.default
> v4089757>,<0x10002de79de/firefox v3998050>,<0x10002de79dd/mozilla
> v4933047>,<0x100018bd837/.cache v115551644>,<0x10000000000/some_username
> v444724510>,<0x1/home v228039388>]//","error_str":"failed to read off disk;
> see
> retval"},"raw_stats":{"checked":false,"passed":false,"read_ret_val":0,"ondisk_value.dirstat":"f()","ondisk_value.rstat":"n()","memory_value.dirrstat":"f()","memory_value.rstat":"n()","error_str":""},"return_code":-61}
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.772351 7fc2342bc700  0 mds.0.cache.dir(0x1000d3ae112)
> _fetched missing object for [dir 0x1000d3ae112
> /home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing-to_delete/
> [2,head] auth v=0 cv=0/0 ap=1+0+0 state=1073741952 f() n() hs=0+0,ss=0+0 |
> waiter=1 authpin=1 0x55eedee27a80]
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.772385 7fc2342bc700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] :
> dir 0x1000d3ae112 object missing on disk; some files may be lost
> (/home/some_username/.cache/mozilla/firefox/dsjf5siv.default/safebrowsing-to_delete)
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778009 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b respawn
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778028 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  e: '/usr/bin/ceph-mds'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778031 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  0: '/usr/bin/ceph-mds'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778036 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  1: '-i'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778038 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  2: 'b'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778040 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  3: '--pid-file'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778042 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  4:
> '/var/run/ceph/'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778044 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  5: '-c'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778046 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  6: '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778048 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  7: '--cluster'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778050 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  8: 'ceph'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778051 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  9: '--setuser'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778053 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  10: 'ceph'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778055 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  11: '--setgroup'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778057 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  12: 'ceph'
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778104 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b respawning with exe
> /usr/bin/ceph-mds
> 2017-12-11 22:29:05.778107 7fc2342bc700  1 mds.b  exe_path /proc/self/exe
> 2017-12-11 22:29:06.186020 7f9ad28f41c0  0 ceph version 12.2.2
> (cf0baeeeeba3b47f9427c6c97e2144b094b7e5ba) luminous (stable), process
> (unknown), pid 3214
> 2017-12-11 22:29:10.604701 7f9acbb38700  1 mds.b handle_mds_map standby
> As long as MDS was still active, "damage ls" again gave me exactly 10001
> damages of damage_type "backtrace". Log implies that those backtraces cannot
> be fixed automatically. I could live with losing those 10k files, but I do
> not get why MDS switches to "standby" and marks FS damaged rendering it
> offline.
> ceph -s then reports something like: mds: cephfs-0/1/1 1:damaged 1:standby
> (not pasted but manually typed from my memory)

Default value of config option mds_damage_table_max_entries is 10000.
try setting it to INT_MAX

> Btw. in the log the MDS encountered two more "object missing on disk; some
> files may be lost" much earlier during that scrub (so three in total), but
> the first two did not make the MDS going to standby.
> I marked FS repaired, restarted MDS with mdf debug level 20 and reran a
> scrub on that particular path but this time MDS wouldn't mark whole FS
> damaged and stayed active. Will it only do so when finding three of those
> damages in a row?

Missing object is real corruption. Bad backtrace can be fixed easily

> Is this a bug or is there something I would have to do to my cluster to get
> it back to stable working condition? Again, all this began with upgrading
> from 12.2.1 to 12.2.2.
> Furthermore, is there a way to get rid of those "broken" files (either bad
> backtrace or even more important those with missing objects) as I could live
> with losing certain files if it helps getting CephFS working stable again.
> Again, any help is highly appreciated, I need to get the FS back up as soon
> as possible. Thank you very much!
> Best regards,
> Tobi
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Tobias Prousa
> Leiter Entwicklung Datenlogger
> Industriestr. 1
> D-82140 Olching
> Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Olching
> Handelsregister: Amtsgericht München, HRB 183929
> Geschäftsführung: Stephan Bacher, Andreas Wocke
> Tel.: +49 (0)8142 / 50 13 60
> Fax.: +49 (0)8142 / 50 13 69
> eMail: tobias.prousa@xxxxxxxxx
> Web:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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