I have a small cluster on 12.2.1, used only for storing VHDS on
RBD and it is pretty stable so far. I've upgraded from jewel to
luminous and the only thing that caused me instability right after
the upgrade is that I was using JEMalloc for the OSDs and after
converting the OSDs to bluestore they have started crashing...
commenting out the line on /etc/sysconfig/ceph solved all the
issues with my crashing OSDs.
Em 11/16/2017 9:55 PM, Linh Vu
We have a small prod cluster with 12.2.1 and bluestore,
running just cephfs, for HPC use. It's been in prod for about
7 weeks now, and pretty stable.
We upgraded to it a few weeks ago in order to get
some of the new indexing features, but have also had a few
nasty bugs in the process (including this one) as we have been
upgrading osds from filestore to bluestore. Currently these
are isolated to our SSD cache tier so I've been evicting
everything in hopes of removing the tier and getting a
functional cluster again :-/
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