In my previous post, in one of my points I was wondering if the request size would increase if I enabled jumbo packets. currently it is disabled.
@jdillama: The qemu settings for both these two guest machines, with RAID/LVM and Ceph/rbd images, are the same. I am not thinking that changing the qemu settings of "min_io_size=<limited to 16bits>,opt_io_size=<RBD image object size>" will directly address the issue.
@mmokhtar: Ok. So you suggest the request size is the result of the problem and not the cause of the problem. meaning I should go after a different issue.
I have been trying to get write speeds up to what people on this mail list are discussing.
It seems that for our configuration, as it matches others, we should be getting about 70MB/s write speed.
But we are not getting that.
Single writes to disk are lucky to get 5MB/s to 6MB/s, but are typically 1MB/s to 2MB/s.
Each drive is one LVM group, with two volumes - one volume for the osd, one volume for the journal
The crush map is simple: default->rack->[host[1..4]->osd] with an evenly distributed weight
While I have read comments that having the osd and journal on the same disk decreases write speed, I have also read that once past 8 OSDs per node this is the recommended configuration, however this is also the reason why SSD drives are used exclusively for OSDs in the storage nodes.
None-the-less, I was still expecting write speeds to be above 30MB/s, not below 6MB/s.
Even at 12x slower than the RAID, using my previously posted iostat data set, I should be seeing write speeds that average 10MB/s, not 2MB/s.
[centos7]# rados bench -p scbench -b 4096 30 write -t 1
Maintaining 1 concurrent writes of 4096 bytes to objects of size 4096 for up to 30 seconds or 0 objects
Object prefix:
sec Cur ops started finished avg MB/s cur MB/s last lat(s) avg lat(s)
0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
1 1 201 200 0.78356 0.78125 0.00522307 0.00496574
2 1 469 468 0.915303 1.04688 0.00437497 0.00426141
3 1 741 740 0.964371 1.0625 0.00512853 0.0040434
4 1 888 887 0.866739 0.574219 0.00307699 0.00450177
5 1 1147 1146 0.895725 1.01172 0.00376454 0.0043559
6 1 1325 1324 0.862293 0.695312 0.00459443 0.004525
7 1 1494 1493 0.83339 0.660156 0.00461002 0.00458452
8 1 1736 1735 0.847369 0.945312 0.00253971 0.00460458
9 1 1998 1997 0.866922 1.02344 0.00236573 0.00450172
10 1 2260 2259 0.882563 1.02344 0.00262179 0.00442152
11 1 2526 2525 0.896775 1.03906 0.00336914 0.00435092
12 1 2760 2759 0.898203 0.914062 0.00351827 0.00434491
13 1 3016 3015 0.906025 1 0.00335703 0.00430691
14 1 3257 3256 0.908545 0.941406 0.00332344 0.00429495
15 1 3490 3489 0.908644 0.910156 0.00318815 0.00426387
16 1 3728 3727 0.909952 0.929688 0.0032881 0.00428895
17 1 3986 3985 0.915703 1.00781 0.00274809 0.0042614
18 1 4250 4249 0.922116 1.03125 0.00287411 0.00423214
19 1 4505 4504 0.926003 0.996094 0.00375435 0.00421442
2017-10-18 10:56:31.267173 min lat: 0.00181259 max lat: 0.270553 avg lat: 0.00420118
sec Cur ops started finished avg MB/s cur MB/s last lat(s) avg lat(s)
20 1 4757 4756 0.928915 0.984375 0.00463972 0.00420118
21 1 5009 5008 0.93155 0.984375 0.00360065 0.00418937
22 1 5235 5234 0.929329 0.882812 0.00626214 0.004199
23 1 5500 5499 0.933925 1.03516 0.00466584 0.00417836
24 1 5708 5707 0.928861 0.8125 0.00285727 0.00420146
25 0 5964 5964 0.931858 1.00391 0.00417383 0.0041881
26 1 6216 6215 0.933722 0.980469 0.0041009 0.00417915
27 1 6481 6480 0.937474 1.03516 0.00307484 0.00416118
28 1 6745 6744 0.940819 1.03125 0.00266329 0.00414777
29 1 7003 7002 0.943124 1.00781 0.00305905 0.00413758
30 1 7271 7270 0.946578 1.04688 0.00391017 0.00412238
Total time run: 30.006060
Total writes made: 7272
Write size: 4096
Object size: 4096
Bandwidth (MB/sec): 0.946684
Stddev Bandwidth: 0.123762
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 1.0625
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 0.574219
Average IOPS: 242
Stddev IOPS: 31
Max IOPS: 272
Min IOPS: 147
Average Latency(s): 0.00412247
Stddev Latency(s): 0.00648437
Max latency(s): 0.270553
Min latency(s): 0.00175318
Cleaning up (deleting benchmark objects)
Clean up completed and total clean up time :29.069423
[centos7]# rados bench -p scbench -b 4096 30 write -t 32
Maintaining 32 concurrent writes of 4096 bytes to objects of size 4096 for up to 30 seconds or 0 objects
Object prefix:
sec Cur ops started finished avg MB/s cur MB/s last lat(s) avg lat(s)
0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
1 32 3013 2981 11.6438 11.6445 0.00247906 0.00572026
2 32 5349 5317 10.3834 9.125 0.00246662 0.00932016
3 32 5707 5675 7.3883 1.39844 0.00389774 0.0156726
4 32 5895 5863 5.72481 0.734375 1.13137 0.0167946
5 32 6869 6837 5.34068 3.80469 0.0027652 0.0226577
6 32 8901 8869 5.77306 7.9375 0.0053211 0.0216259
7 32 10800 10768 6.00785 7.41797 0.00358187 0.0207418
8 32 11825 11793 5.75728 4.00391 0.00217575 0.0215494
9 32 12941 12909 5.6019 4.35938 0.00278512 0.0220567
10 32 13317 13285 5.18849 1.46875 0.0034973 0.0240665
11 32 16189 16157 5.73653 11.2188 0.00255841 0.0212708
12 32 16749 16717 5.44077 2.1875 0.00330334 0.0215915
13 32 16756 16724 5.02436 0.0273438 0.00338994 0.021849
14 32 17908 17876 4.98686 4.5 0.00402598 0.0244568
15 32 17936 17904 4.66171 0.109375 0.00375799 0.0245545
16 32 18279 18247 4.45409 1.33984 0.00483873 0.0267929
17 32 18372 18340 4.21346 0.363281 0.00505187 0.0275887
18 32 19403 19371 4.20309 4.02734 0.00545154 0.029348
19 31 19845 19814 4.07295 1.73047 0.00254726 0.0306775
2017-10-18 10:57:58.160536 min lat: 0.0015005 max lat: 2.27707 avg lat: 0.0307559
sec Cur ops started finished avg MB/s cur MB/s last lat(s) avg lat(s)
20 31 20401 20370 3.97788 2.17188 0.00307238 0.0307559
21 32 21338 21306 3.96254 3.65625 0.00464563 0.0312288
22 32 23057 23025 4.0876 6.71484 0.00296295 0.0299267
23 32 23057 23025 3.90988 0 - 0.0299267
24 32 23803 23771 3.86837 1.45703 0.00301471 0.0312804
25 32 24112 24080 3.76191 1.20703 0.00191063 0.0331462
26 31 25303 25272 3.79629 4.65625 0.00794399 0.0329129
27 32 28803 28771 4.16183 13.668 0.0109817 0.0297469
28 32 29592 29560 4.12325 3.08203 0.00188185 0.0301911
29 32 30595 30563 4.11616 3.91797 0.00379099 0.0296794
30 32 31031 30999 4.03572 1.70312 0.00283347 0.0302411
Total time run: 30.822350
Total writes made: 31032
Write size: 4096
Object size: 4096
Bandwidth (MB/sec): 3.93282
Stddev Bandwidth: 3.66265
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 13.668
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 0
Average IOPS: 1006
Stddev IOPS: 937
Max IOPS: 3499
Min IOPS: 0
Average Latency(s): 0.0317779
Stddev Latency(s): 0.164076
Max latency(s): 2.27707
Min latency(s): 0.0013848
Cleaning up (deleting benchmark objects)
Clean up completed and total clean up time :20.166559