Re: Power outages!!! help!

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Did bunch of ceph pg repair pg# and got the scrub errors down to 10... well was 9, trying to fix one became 10.. waiting for it to fix (I did that noout trick as I only have two copies).  8 of those scrub errors looks like it would need data from osd.0.

HEALTH_ERR 22 pgs are stuck inactive for more than 300 seconds; 22 pgs degraded; 6 pgs down; 3 pgs inconsistent; 6 pgs peering; 6 pgs recovering; 16 pgs stale; 22 pgs stuck degraded; 6 pgs stuck inactive; 16 pgs stuck stale; 28 pgs stuck unclean; 16 pgs stuck undersized; 16 pgs undersized; 1 requests are blocked > 32 sec; recovery 221990/4503980 objects degraded (4.929%); recovery 147/2251990 unfound (0.007%); 10 scrub errors; mds cluster is degraded; no legacy OSD present but 'sortbitwise' flag is not set

From what I saw from ceph health detail, running osd.0 would solve majority of the problems.  But that was the disk with the smart error earlier.  I did move to new drive using ddrescue.  When trying to start osd.0, I get this.  Is there anyway I can get around this?
2017-09-12 01:31:55.205898 7fb61521a800  0 set uid:gid to 1001:1001 (ceph:ceph)
2017-09-12 01:31:55.205915 7fb61521a800  0 ceph version 10.2.9 (2ee413f77150c0f375ff6f10edd6c8f9c7d060d0), process ceph-osd, pid 4822
2017-09-12 01:31:55.206955 7fb61521a800  0 pidfile_write: ignore empty --pid-file
2017-09-12 01:31:55.217615 7fb61521a800  0 filestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0) backend xfs (magic 0x58465342)
2017-09-12 01:31:55.217854 7fb61521a800  0 genericfilestorebackend(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0) detect_features: FIEMAP ioctl is disabled via 'filestore fiemap' config option
2017-09-12 01:31:55.217858 7fb61521a800  0 genericfilestorebackend(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0) detect_features: SEEK_DATA/SEEK_HOLE is disabled via 'filestore seek data hole' config option
2017-09-12 01:31:55.217871 7fb61521a800  0 genericfilestorebackend(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0) detect_features: splice is supported
2017-09-12 01:31:55.268117 7fb61521a800  0 genericfilestorebackend(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0) detect_features: syncfs(2) syscall fully supported (by glibc and kernel)
2017-09-12 01:31:55.268190 7fb61521a800  0 xfsfilestorebackend(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0) detect_feature: extsize is disabled by conf

2017-09-12 01:31:55.269266 7fb61521a800  1 leveldb: Recovering log #29056
2017-09-12 01:31:55.502001 7fb61521a800  1 leveldb: Delete type=0 #29056

2017-09-12 01:31:55.502079 7fb61521a800  1 leveldb: Delete type=3 #29055

2017-09-12 01:32:03.165991 7fb61521a800  0 filestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0) mount: enabling WRITEAHEAD journal mode: checkpoint is not enabled
2017-09-12 01:32:03.167009 7fb61521a800  1 journal _open /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/journal fd 18: 9998729216 bytes, block size 4096 bytes, directio = 1, aio = 1
2017-09-12 01:32:03.170097 7fb61521a800  1 journal _open /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/journal fd 18: 9998729216 bytes, block size 4096 bytes, directio = 1, aio = 1
2017-09-12 01:32:03.170530 7fb61521a800  1 filestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0) upgrade
2017-09-12 01:32:03.170643 7fb61521a800 -1 filestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0) could not find #-1:7b3f43c4:::osd_superblock:0# in index: (2) No such file or directory
2017-09-12 01:32:03.170657 7fb61521a800 -1 osd.0 0 OSD::init() : unable to read osd superblock
2017-09-12 01:32:03.171059 7fb61521a800  1 journal close /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/journal
2017-09-12 01:32:03.193741 7fb61521a800 -1 ^[[0;31m ** ERROR: osd init failed: (22) Invalid argument^[[0m

Trying to attack down+peering issue.  Seems like same problem as above.  Anyway around this one?  Alot of these say "last acting [0]".  Should it matter if I grab from other OSD? 
# ceph-objectstore-tool --op export --pgid 0.2c --data-path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/ --journal-path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/journal --file 0.2c.export.0
Failure to read OSD superblock: (2) No such file or directory


On Tuesday, September 12, 2017 10:04 AM, hjcho616 <hjcho616@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thank you for those references!  I'll have to go study some more.  Good portion of that inconsistent seems to be from missing data from osd.0. =P  There appears to be some from okay drives. =P  Kicked off "ceph pg repair pg#" few times, but doesn't seem to change much yet. =P  As far as smart output goes, they are showing status of PASS for all of them.  and all current_pending_sector is 0. =)  There are some Raw_Read_Error_Rate with low numbers.. like 2 or 6, but some are huge numbers (Seagate drives do this?) and they are not being flagged.  =P  Seek Error seems to be the same... Samsung drives show 0 while Seagate drives show huge numbers. =P  Even the new ones.  Is there any particular one I should be concentrated on for the smart?

# ceph osd tree
-1 19.87198 root default
-2  8.12239     host OSD1
 1  1.95250         osd.1       up  1.00000          1.00000
 0  1.95250         osd.0     down        0          1.00000
 7  0.31239         osd.7       up  1.00000          1.00000
 6  1.95250         osd.6       up  1.00000          1.00000
 2  1.95250         osd.2       up  1.00000          1.00000
-3 11.74959     host OSD2
 3  1.95250         osd.3     down        0          1.00000
 4  1.95250         osd.4     down        0          1.00000
 5  1.95250         osd.5     down        0          1.00000
 8  1.95250         osd.8     down        0          1.00000
 9  0.31239         osd.9       up  1.00000          1.00000
10  1.81360         osd.10      up  1.00000          1.00000
11  1.81360         osd.11      up  1.00000          1.00000

# cat /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
#fsid = 383ef3b1-ba70-43e2-8294-fb2fc2fb6f6a
fsid = 9b2c9bca-112e-48b0-86fc-587ef9a52948
mon_initial_members = MDS1
mon_host =
#auth_cluster_required = cephx
#auth_service_required = cephx
#auth_client_required  = cephx
auth_cluster_required = none
auth_service_required = none
auth_client_required  = none
filestore_xattr_use_omap = true
public network =
cluster_network =

osd_client_op_priority = 63
osd_recovery_op_priority = 1
osd_max_backfills = 5
osd_recovery_max_active = 5

# ceph osd df
 1 1.95250  1.00000 1862G   797G 1064G 42.84 0.97  66
 0 1.95250        0     0      0     0  -nan -nan  16
 7 0.31239  1.00000  297G 41438M  257G 13.58 0.31   3
 6 1.95250  1.00000 1862G   599G 1262G 32.21 0.73  48
 2 1.95250  1.00000 1862G   756G 1105G 40.63 0.92  59
 3 1.95250        0     0      0     0  -nan -nan   0
 4 1.95250        0     0      0     0  -nan -nan   0
 5 1.95250        0     0      0     0  -nan -nan   0
 8 1.95250        0     0      0     0  -nan -nan   0
 9 0.31239  1.00000  297G   168M  297G  0.06 0.00   2
10 1.81360  1.00000 1857G   792G 1064G 42.67 0.96  59
11 1.81360  1.00000 1857G  1398G  458G 75.32 1.70 116
              TOTAL 9896G  4386G 5510G 44.32
MIN/MAX VAR: 0.00/1.70  STDDEV: 24.00

Thank you!


On Tuesday, September 12, 2017 3:07 AM, Ronny Aasen <ronny+ceph-users@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

you can start by posting more details. atleast
"ceph osd tree" "cat ceph.conf" and "ceph osd df" so we can see what
settings you are running, and how your cluster is balanced at the moment.


inconsistent pg's are pg's that have scrub errors. use rados
list-inconsistent-pg [pool] and rados-list-inconsistent-obj [pg] to
locate the objects with problems. compare and fix the objects using info
also read

since you have so many scrub errors i would assume there are more bad
disks, check all disk's smart values and look for read errors in logs.
if you find any you should drain those disks by setting crush weight to
0. and  when they are empty remove them from the cluster. personally i
use smartmontools it sends me emails about bad disks, and check disks
manually with    smartctl -a /dev/sda || echo bad-disk: $?

pg's that are down+peering need to have one of the acting osd's started
again. or to have the objects recovered using the methods we have
discussed previously.

nb: do not mark any osd's as lost since that = dataloss.

I would
- check smart stats of all disks.  drain disks that are going bad. make
sure you have enough space on good disks to drain them properly.
- check scrub errors and objects. fix those that are fixable. some may
require an object from a down osd.
- try to get down osd's running again if possible. if you manage to get
one running, let it recover and stabilize.
- recover and inject objects from osd's that do not run. stasrt by doing
one and one pg. and once you get the hang of the method you can do
multiple pg's at the same time.

good luck
Ronny Aasen

On 11. sep. 2017 06:51, hjcho616 wrote:
> It took a while.  It appears to have cleaned up quite a bit... but still
> has issues.  I've been seeing below message for more than a day and cpu
> utilization and io utilization is low... looks like something is
> stuck...  I rebooted OSDs several times when it looked like it was stuck
> earlier and it would work on something else, but now it is not changing
> much.  What can I try now?
> Regards,
> Hong
> # ceph health detail
> HEALTH_ERR 22 pgs are stuck inactive for more than 300 seconds; 22 pgs
> degraded; 6 pgs down; 11 pgs inconsistent; 6 pgs peering; 6 pgs
> recovering; 16 pgs stale; 22 pgs stuck degraded; 6 pgs stuck inactive;
> 16 pgs stuck stale; 28 pgs stuck unclean; 16 pgs stuck undersized; 16
> pgs undersized; 1 requests are blocked > 32 sec; 1 osds have slow
> requests; recovery 221990/4503980 objects degraded (4.929%); recovery
> 147/2251990 unfound (0.007%); 95 scrub errors; mds cluster is degraded;
> no legacy OSD present but 'sortbitwise' flag is not set
> pg 0.e is stuck inactive since forever, current state down+peering, last
> acting [11,2]
> pg 1.d is stuck inactive since forever, current state down+peering, last
> acting [11,2]
> pg 1.28 is stuck inactive since forever, current state down+peering,
> last acting [11,6]
> pg 0.29 is stuck inactive since forever, current state down+peering,
> last acting [11,6]
> pg 1.2b is stuck inactive since forever, current state down+peering,
> last acting [1,11]
> pg 0.2c is stuck inactive since forever, current state down+peering,
> last acting [1,11]
> pg 0.e is stuck unclean since forever, current state down+peering, last
> acting [11,2]
> pg 0.a is stuck unclean for 1233182.248198, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded+inconsistent, last acting [0]
> pg 2.8 is stuck unclean for 1238044.714421, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.1a is stuck unclean for 1238933.203920, current state
> active+recovering+degraded, last acting [2,11]
> pg 2.3 is stuck unclean for 1238882.443876, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.27 is stuck unclean for 1295260.765981, current state
> active+recovering+degraded, last acting [11,6]
> pg 0.d is stuck unclean for 1230831.504001, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.c is stuck unclean for 1238044.715698, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.3d is stuck unclean for 1232066.572856, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.28 is stuck unclean since forever, current state down+peering, last
> acting [11,6]
> pg 0.29 is stuck unclean since forever, current state down+peering, last
> acting [11,6]
> pg 1.2b is stuck unclean since forever, current state down+peering, last
> acting [1,11]
> pg 2.2f is stuck unclean for 1238127.474088, current state
> active+recovering+degraded+remapped, last acting [9,10]
> pg 0.0 is stuck unclean for 1233182.247776, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.2c is stuck unclean since forever, current state down+peering, last
> acting [1,11]
> pg 2.b is stuck unclean for 1238044.640982, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.1b is stuck unclean for 1234021.660986, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.1c is stuck unclean for 1232574.189549, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.4 is stuck unclean for 1293624.075753, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.5 is stuck unclean for 1237356.776788, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded+inconsistent, last acting [0]
> pg 2.1f is stuck unclean for 8825246.729513, current state
> active+recovering+degraded, last acting [10,2]
> pg 1.d is stuck unclean since forever, current state down+peering, last
> acting [11,2]
> pg 2.39 is stuck unclean for 1238933.214406, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.3a is stuck unclean for 2125299.164204, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.3b is stuck unclean for 1233432.895409, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.3c is stuck unclean for 1238933.208648, current state
> active+recovering+degraded, last acting [10,2]
> pg 2.35 is stuck unclean for 1295260.753354, current state
> active+recovering+degraded, last acting [11,6]
> pg 1.9 is stuck unclean for 1238044.722811, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.a is stuck undersized for 1229917.081228, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded+inconsistent, last acting [0]
> pg 2.8 is stuck undersized for 1229917.081016, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.b is stuck undersized for 1229917.068181, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.9 is stuck undersized for 1229917.075164, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.5 is stuck undersized for 1229917.085330, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded+inconsistent, last acting [0]
> pg 1.4 is stuck undersized for 1229917.085148, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.d is stuck undersized for 1229917.080800, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.c is stuck undersized for 1229917.080592, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.3d is stuck undersized for 1229816.808393, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.3b is stuck undersized for 1229917.074358, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.3a is stuck undersized for 1229917.076592, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.39 is stuck undersized for 1229917.077505, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.1c is stuck undersized for 1229816.811773, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.1b is stuck undersized for 1229816.812506, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.3 is stuck undersized for 1229917.090143, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.0 is stuck undersized for 1229917.073670, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.a is stuck degraded for 1229917.081375, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded+inconsistent, last acting [0]
> pg 2.8 is stuck degraded for 1229917.081162, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.b is stuck degraded for 1229917.068328, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.5 is stuck degraded for 1229917.085470, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded+inconsistent, last acting [0]
> pg 1.4 is stuck degraded for 1229917.085288, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.3c is stuck degraded for 2732.174512, current state
> active+recovering+degraded, last acting [10,2]
> pg 0.d is stuck degraded for 1229917.080946, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.c is stuck degraded for 1229917.080739, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.3d is stuck degraded for 1229816.808539, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.3b is stuck degraded for 1229917.074504, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.3a is stuck degraded for 1229917.076739, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.39 is stuck degraded for 1229917.077652, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.1f is stuck degraded for 2732.122575, current state
> active+recovering+degraded, last acting [10,2]
> pg 0.1c is stuck degraded for 1229816.811926, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.1b is stuck degraded for 1229816.812659, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.1a is stuck degraded for 2744.851402, current state
> active+recovering+degraded, last acting [2,11]
> pg 2.3 is stuck degraded for 1229917.090302, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.0 is stuck degraded for 1229917.073830, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.27 is stuck degraded for 2744.828928, current state
> active+recovering+degraded, last acting [11,6]
> pg 2.2f is stuck degraded for 2731.468651, current state
> active+recovering+degraded+remapped, last acting [9,10]
> pg 1.9 is stuck degraded for 1229917.075428, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.35 is stuck degraded for 2744.828894, current state
> active+recovering+degraded, last acting [11,6]
> pg 0.a is stuck stale for 1227812.807624, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded+inconsistent, last acting [0]
> pg 2.8 is stuck stale for 1227812.807638, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.b is stuck stale for 1227812.807651, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.9 is stuck stale for 1227812.807665, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.5 is stuck stale for 1227812.807699, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded+inconsistent, last acting [0]
> pg 1.4 is stuck stale for 1227812.807709, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.d is stuck stale for 1227812.807624, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.c is stuck stale for 1227812.807634, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.3d is stuck stale for 1227812.807799, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.3b is stuck stale for 1227812.807813, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.3a is stuck stale for 1227812.807823, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.39 is stuck stale for 1227812.807833, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.1c is stuck stale for 1227812.807936, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 1.1b is stuck stale for 1227812.807960, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 2.3 is stuck stale for 1227812.808049, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.0 is stuck stale for 1227812.808073, current state
> stale+active+undersized+degraded, last acting [0]
> pg 0.38 is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [11,1]
> pg 2.35 is active+recovering+degraded, acting [11,6], 29 unfound
> pg 0.36 is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [10,1]
> pg 2.2f is active+recovering+degraded+remapped, acting [9,10], 24 unfound
> pg 0.2c is down+peering, acting [1,11]
> pg 1.2b is down+peering, acting [1,11]
> pg 0.29 is down+peering, acting [11,6]
> pg 1.28 is down+peering, acting [11,6]
> pg 0.26 is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [6,11]
> pg 2.27 is active+recovering+degraded, acting [11,6], 19 unfound
> pg 0.23 is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [6,10]
> pg 2.1a is active+recovering+degraded, acting [2,11], 29 unfound
> pg 0.18 is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [11,1]
> pg 2.1f is active+recovering+degraded, acting [10,2], 20 unfound
> pg 0.3c is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [1,11]
> pg 0.3d is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [2,11]
> pg 2.3c is active+recovering+degraded, acting [10,2], 26 unfound
> pg 0.b is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [11,2]
> pg 1.d is down+peering, acting [11,2]
> pg 0.e is down+peering, acting [11,2]
> pg 0.f is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [11,6]
> 1 ops are blocked > 4194.3 sec on osd.10
> 1 osds have slow requests
> recovery 221990/4503980 objects degraded (4.929%)
> recovery 147/2251990 unfound (0.007%)
> 95 scrub errors
> mds cluster is degraded
> mds.MDS1.1 at rank 0 is replaying journal

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