I came across an inconsistent pg in our 4+2 EC storage pool (ceph
10.2.5). Since "ceph pg repair" wasn't able to correct it, I followed
the general outline given in this thread
# zgrep -Hn ERR /var/log/ceph/ceph-osd.368.log.*
/var/log/ceph/ceph-osd.368.log.1.gz:525:2017-03-19 23:41:11.736066 7f7a649d9700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : 70.319s0 shard 63(2): soid 70:98cb99a5:::default.539464.38__multipart_140411_SN261_0546_AC49YEACXX%2fsam%2fF10216D_CAAAAG_L004_001.sorted.dedup.realigned.recal.gvcf.2~LgDQTFVEBK6TSp2Kaw2Z3aylGsP_cRa.156:head candidate had a read error
/var/log/ceph/ceph-osd.368.log.1.gz:529:2017-03-19 23:47:47.160589 7f7a671de700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : 70.319s0 deep-scrub 0 missing, 1 inconsistent objects
/var/log/ceph/ceph-osd.368.log.1.gz:530:2017-03-19 23:47:47.160624 7f7a671de700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : 70.319 deep-scrub 1 errors
shows where the error lies, and on that osd:
/var/log/ceph/ceph-osd.63.log.1.gz:811:2017-03-19 23:41:11.657532 7f8d67f77700 0 osd.63 pg_epoch: 474876 pg[70.319s2( v 474876'387130 (474876'384063,474876'387130] local-les=474678 n=38859 ec=21494 les/c/f 474678/474682/0 474662/474673/474565) [368,151,63,313,432,272] r=2 lpr=474673 pi=135288-474672/1939 luod=0'0 crt=474876'387128 active NIBBLEWISE] _scan_list 70:98cb99a5:::default.539464.38__multipart_140411_SN261_0546_AC49YEACXX%2fsam%2fF10216D_CAAAAG_L004_001.sorted.dedup.realigned.recal.gvcf.2~LgDQTFVEBK6TSp2Kaw2Z3aylGsP_cRa.156:head got -5 on read, read_error
and indeed the file has a read error.
So I set the osd down, and used ceph-objectstore-tool to export then
remove the affected pg (actually it couldn't export without first
deleting the bad file).
after restarting the osd... and waiting for recovery... the pg directory
and contents all appear to have been recreated, but the pg is still
Am I missing something? "ceph pg repair" and "ceph pg scrub" also don't
clear the inconsistency.
Thanks for any suggestions,
Graham Allan
Minnesota Supercomputing Institute - gta@xxxxxxx
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