Just a quick question about adding OSDs, since most of the docs I can
find talk about adding ONE OSD, and I'd like to add four per server on
my three-node cluster.
This morning I tried the careful approach, and added one OSD to server1.
It all went fine, everything rebuilt and I have a HEALTH_OK again now.
It took around 7 hours.
But now I started thinking... (and that's when things go wrong,
therefore hoping for feedback here....)
The question: was I being stupid to add only ONE osd to the server1? Is
it not smarter to add all four OSDs at the same time?
I mean: things will rebuild anyway...and I have the feeling that
rebuilding from 4 -> 8 OSDs is not going to be much heavier than
rebuilding from 4 -> 5 OSDs. Right?
So better add all new OSDs together on a specific server?
Or not? :-)
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