Hello list,
A week ago we upgraded our Ceph clusters from Hammer to Jewel and
with this email we want to share our experiences.
We have four clusters:
1) Test cluster for all the fun things, completely virtual.
2) Test cluster for Openstack: 3 monitors and 9 OSDs, all
3) Cluster where we store backups: 3 monitors and 153 OSDs. 554
TB storage
4) Main cluster (used for our custom software stack and
openstack): 5 monitors and 1917 OSDs. 8 PB storage
All the clusters are running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and we use the
Ceph packages from ceph.com. On every cluster we upgraded the
monitors first and after that, the OSDs. Our backup cluster is the
only cluster that also serves S3 via the RadosGW and that service
is upgraded at the same time as the OSDs in that cluster. The
upgrade of clusters 1, 2 and 3 went without any problem, just an
apt-get upgrade on every component. We did see the message
"failed to encode map e<version> with expected crc", but
that message disappeared when all the OSDs where upgraded.
The upgrade of our biggest cluster, nr 4, did not go without
problems. Since we where expecting a lot of "failed to encode map
e<version> with expected crc" messages, we disabled clog to
monitors with 'ceph tell osd.* injectargs --
--clog_to_monitors=false' so our monitors would not choke in those
messages. The upgrade of the monitors did go as expected, without
any problem, the problems started when we started the upgrade of
the OSDs. In the upgrade procedure, we had to change the ownership
of the files from root to the user ceph and that process was
taking so long on our cluster that completing the upgrade would
take more then a week. We decided to keep the permissions as they
where for now, so in the upstart init script
/etc/init/ceph-osd.conf, we changed '--setuser ceph --setgroup
ceph' to '--setuser root --setgroup root' and fix that OSD by OSD
after the upgrade was completely done
On cluster 3 (backup) we could change the permissions in a
shorter time with the following procedure:
a) apt-get -y install ceph-common
b) mount|egrep 'on \/var.*ceph.*osd'|awk '{print $3}'|while
read P; do echo chown -R ceph:ceph $P \&;done > t ; bash t
; rm t
c) (wait for all the chown's to complete)
d) stop ceph-all
e) find /var/lib/ceph/ ! -uid 64045 -print0|xargs -0 chown
f) start ceph-all
This procedure did not work on our main (4) cluster because the
load on the OSDs became 100% in step b and that resulted in
blocked I/O on some virtual instances in the Openstack cluster.
Also at that time one of our pools got a lot of extra data, those
files where stored with root permissions since we did not
restarted the Ceph daemons yet, the 'find' in step e found so much
files that xargs (the shell) could not handle it (too many
arguments). At that time we decided to keep the permissions on
root in the upgrade phase.
The next and biggest problem we encountered had to do with the
CRC errors on the OSD map. On every map update, the OSDs that were
not upgraded yet, got that CRC error and asked the monitor for a
full OSD map instead of just a delta update. At first we did not
understand what exactly happened, we ran the upgrade per node
using a script and in that script we watch the state of the
cluster and when the cluster is healthy again, we upgrade the next
host. Every time we started the script (skipping the already
upgraded hosts) the first host(s) upgraded without issues and then
we got blocked I/O on the cluster. The blocked I/O went away
within a minute of 2 (not measured). After investigation we found
out that the blocked I/O happened when nodes where asking the
monitor for a (full) OSD map and that resulted shortly in a full
saturated network link on our monitor.
In the next graph the statistics for one of our Ceph monitor is
shown. Our hosts are equipped with 10 gbit/s NIC's and every time
at the highest peaks, the problems occurred. We could work around
this problem by waiting four minutes between every host and after
that time (14:20) we did not have any issues any more. Of course
the number of not upgraded OSDs decreased, so the number of full
OSD map requests also got smaller in time.
The day after the upgrade we had issues with live migrations of
Openstack instances. We got this message, "OSError:
/usr/lib/librbd.so.1: undefined symbol:
_ZN8librados5Rados15aio_watch_flushEPNS_13AioCompletionE". This is
resolved by restarting libvirt-bin and nova-compute on every
compute node.
Please notice that the upgrade of our biggest cluster was not a
100% success, but the problems where relative small and the
cluster stayed on-line and there where only a few virtual
openstack instances that did not like the blocked I/O and had to
be restarted.
With regards,
Richard Arends.
Snow BV / http://snow.nl