On 11/21/2016 05:23 PM, Yehuda Sadeh-Weinraub wrote:
Seems like bucket was sharded, but for some reason the bucket instance
info does not specify that. I don't know why that would happen, but
maybe running mixed versions could be the culprit. You can try
modifying the bucket instance info for this bucket, change the num
shards param to 32.
Yes! That seems to do it...
And of course in retrospect I can see num_shards = 32 for my working
bucket but 0 for this one.
so I did:
rados get --pool .rgw.buckets.ec42 default.712449.19__shadow_tcga_test/rnaseq/Aligned.out.sam.2~10nUehK5BnyXdhhiOqTL2JdpLfDCd0k.11_76 lemming
edit "num_shards": 32
# radosgw-admin metadata put bucket.instance:tcga:default.712449.19 < tcga.json
and this bucket is now visible again! Thanks so much!
I wonder how this happened. It looks like this affects ~25/680 buckets.
Graham Allan
Minnesota Supercomputing Institute - gta@xxxxxxx
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