Re: Ceph performance pattern

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I had a similar issue when migrating from SSD to NVMe using Ubuntu. Read performance tanked using NVMe. Iostat showed each NVMe performing 30x more physical reads compared to SSD, but the MB/s was 1/6 the speed of the SSD. I set "blockdev --setra 128 /dev/nvmeX” and now performance is much better with NVMe than using SSD. With our SSD and pcie flash cards, we used —setra 0 since these devices handle read look ahead internally. Our NVMe devices benefit from setting —setra.
On Jul 26, 2016, at 8:09 PM, Somnath Roy <Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

<< Ceph performance in general (without read_ahead_kb) will be lower specially in all flash as the requests will be serialized within a PG
I meant to say Ceph sequential performance..Sorry for the spam..
From: ceph-users [mailto:ceph-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Somnath Roy
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 5:08 PM
To: EP Komarla; ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Ceph performance pattern
Not exactly, but, we are seeing some drop with 256K compare to 64K. This is with random reads though in Ubuntu. We had to bump up read_ahead_kb from default 128KB to 512KB to work around that.
But, in RHEL we saw all sorts of issues with read_ahead_kb for small block random reads and I think it is already default to 4MB or so..If so, try to reduce it to 512KB and see..
Generally, for sequential reads, you need to play with read_ahead_kb to achieve better performance. Ceph performance in general (without read_ahead_kb) will be lower specially in all flash as the requests will be serialized within a PG.
Our test is with all flash though and take my comments with a grain of salt in case of ceph + HDD..
Thanks & Regards
From: EP Komarla [mailto:Ep.Komarla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 4:50 PM
To: Somnath Roy; ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Ceph performance pattern
Thanks Somnath.  
I am running with CentOS7.2.  Have you seen this pattern before?
- epk
From: Somnath Roy [mailto:Somnath.Roy@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 4:44 PM
To: EP Komarla <Ep.Komarla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Ceph performance pattern
Which OS/kernel you are running with ?
Try setting bigger read_ahead_kb for sequential runs.
Thanks & Regards
From: ceph-users [mailto:ceph-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of EP Komarla
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 4:38 PM
To: ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:  Ceph performance pattern
I am showing below fio results for Sequential Read on my Ceph cluster.  I am trying to understand this pattern:
- why there is a dip in the performance for block sizes 32k-256k?
- is this an expected performance graph?
- have you seen this kind of pattern before
My cluster details:
Ceph: Hammer release
Cluster: 6 nodes (dual Intel sockets) each with 20 OSDs and 4 SSDs (5 OSD journals on one SSD)
Client network: 10Gbps
Cluster network: 10Gbps
FIO test:
- 2 Client servers
- Sequential Read
- Run time of 600 seconds
- Filesize = 1TB
- 10 rbd images per client
- Queue depth=16
Any ideas on tuning this cluster?  Where should I look first?
- epk

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