How to check consistency of File / Block Data

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Is there any way we can check/verify data consistency for block and file data in Ceph. I need to develop a script to the same.

WRT object data, I am checking the consistency with the below method.

1. Create a file and calculate md5 checksum for it.
2. Push the file to a ceph pool.
3. Get the location of the object using command "ceph osd map <pool-name> <object-name>". This will give the pg ids in which the object is placed.
4. Go to the respective osd -> pg locations and calculate the md5 checksums of the objects.
5. Compare the checksums generated in steps #1 & #4. 

Can you also let me know if there is any other better method to verify the consistency on object data? Instead of checksums, 

Thanks & Regards,
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