On 01/02/16 17:47, Wade Holler wrote:
I can at least say that I've seen this. (a lot)
Running Infernalis with Btrfs on Cent 7.2. I haven't seen any other
issue in the cluster that I would say is related.
Take it for what you will.
Thanks Wade,
That's reassuring at least that it hasn't caused you problems longer term.
I've not been able to reproduce the message myself by mounting and
dismounting the file systems manually and I note that if I reboot the
server without starting ceph services (i.e. chkconfig ceph off; reboot)
the messages still appear for each OSD (xfs) disk even though they were
never mounted by ceph or fstab:
Feb 1 22:24:34 san1-osd2 kernel: XFS (sdb1): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Feb 1 22:24:34 san1-osd2 kernel: XFS (sdb1): Ending clean mount
Feb 1 22:24:34 san1-osd2 kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Feb 1 22:24:34 san1-osd2 kernel: sdb1: rw=0, want=7814035088,
FWIW, the messages seem to only appear once per disk and have not yet
re-appeared during normal use of the cluster on either OSD host.
Maybe this is a kernel thing rather than a ceph thing. I'm probably
running the similar if not same version as you: 3.10.0-327
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