and created a bucket with the command
s3-cli create_bucket MYBUCKET
then with radosgw-admin i tried a fix with the following command
radosgw-admin --uid=chef bucket check --bucket=MYBUCKET--fix and did the trick i can now add objects to my buckets again and can delete the buckets again
-----Original Message-----
From: Colin Corr <colin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] can't delete buckets in radosgw after i recreated the radosgw pools
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 12:35:38 -0700
On 04/29/2015 07:55 AM, Makkelie, R (ITCDCC) - KLM wrote: > i first had some major disaster i had 12 incomplete pgs that couldn't be fixed. (due to several harddisk failures at once) > alls these incomplete pgs where all in the ".rgw" and ".rgw.buckets" pools > > so the only option i could think of is to take my loses and delete and recreate those pools. > > the only issue now is that radosgw still think there is data because its showing my old directories > > i tried: > - deleting bucket with recursive option > - scan and fix buckets > - delete user > > and i can't do any of these things because he wants to remove them but it can't because it receives a 404 > i even upgraded to the latest giant release but no luck so far > > does any one have a idea? > > greetz > Ramonskie > > I encountered the same problem while testing different recovery scenarios. What worked for me: Create a bucket (directory) with the same name (as an existing deleted bucket) Then, Delete the bucket I used the Python S3 API to do it because the non-existent buckets were only seen via the S3 API and the radosgw-admin could not see them anymore. hope that helps, Colin _______________________________________________ ceph-users mailing list ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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