Re: [a bit off-topic] Power usage estimation of hardware for Ceph

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On Wed, 08 Apr 2015 14:59:21 +0200 Francois Lafont wrote:

> Hi,
> Sorry in advance for this thread not directly linked to Ceph. ;)
> We are thinking about buying servers to build a ceph cluster and we
> would like to have, if possible, a *approximative* power usage
> estimation of these servers (this parameter could be important in
> your choice):
In short, way, way, way too many variables.
Which CPUs, HDDs/SSDs, PSUs. 
And a lightly loaded cluster/node will consume like 1/3rd of the power CPU
wise than a very busy one does.

> 1. the 12xbays supermicro OSD node
>    (here,
>    page 2, model SSG-6027R-OSD040H in the table)
I'd really wish SM would revise that pamphlet, for nearly all the roles in
there they have better suited models. 
And models that fill requirements not really covered in that sheet.

If you're willing to take the 1:5 SSD journal to OSD ratio risk, as
proposed by that configuration, why not go all out to a chassis that has 2
hotswap bays in the back and 1:6. Much better density and you'll have
journals and HDDs on different SATA buses.

> 2. SC216-based chassis 2U, 24xbays 2.5" (like this one for instance

At this level of density, you'd need about 24GHz combined CPU power to
fully utilize the IOPS potentioal of a pure HDD based node. 
The moment you add SSD journals to this picture, that number at _least_
doubles, making it a potentially very power hungry unit.

You'll also need a HBA/RAID card to connect up those 6 mini-SAS ports on
the backplane.

If you're concerned about power, look at their X10 offerings with Titanium
level PSUs and pick CPUs that are energy efficient while still having
enough capacity to satisfy your IOPS needs.

> If someone here has a server as above, we would be curious to have
> a appromative power usage estimation (for instance in volt-ampere).
A SM server (not running Ceph, but as a mailbox server being somewhat
comparable) here with Platinum (94% efficiency supposedly) PSUs consumes
while being basically idle 105W on the input side (100V in Japan) and 95W
on the output side.
This triples basically during peak utilization times.


> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Regards

Christian Balzer        Network/Systems Engineer                
chibi@xxxxxxx   	Global OnLine Japan/Fusion Communications
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