Re: Migrating objects from one pool to another?

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I thought there was some discussion about this before. Something like creating a new pool and then taking your existing pool as an overlay of the new pool  (cache) and then flush the overlay to the new pool. I haven't tried it or know if it is possible.

The other option is shut the VM down, create a new snapshot on the new pool, point the VM to that and then flatten the RBD.

Robert LeBlanc

Sent from a mobile device please excuse any typos.

On Mar 26, 2015 5:23 PM, "Steffen W Sørensen" <stefws@xxxxxx> wrote:

On 26/03/2015, at 23.13, Gregory Farnum <greg@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The procedure you've outlined won't copy snapshots, just the head
objects. Preserving the proper snapshot metadata and inter-pool
relationships on rbd images I think isn't actually possible when
trying to change pools.
This wasn’t ment for migrating a RBD pool, but pure object/Swift pools… 

Anyway seems Glance supports multiple storages so assume one could use a glance client to also extract/download images into local file format (raw, qcow2 vmdk…) as well as uploading images to glance. And as glance images ain’t ‘live’ like virtual disk images one could also download glance images from one glance store over local file and upload back into a different glance back end store. Again this is properly better than dealing at a lower abstraction level and having to known its internal storage structures and avoid what you’re pointing put Greg.

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 3:05 PM, Steffen W Sørensen <stefws@xxxxxx> wrote:

On 26/03/2015, at 23.01, Gregory Farnum <greg@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Steffen W Sørensen <stefws@xxxxxx> wrote:

On 26/03/2015, at 21.07, J-P Methot <jpmethot@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

That's a great idea. I know I can setup cinder (the openstack volume
manager) as a multi-backend manager and migrate from one backend to the
other, each backend linking to different pools of the same ceph cluster.
What bugs me though is that I'm pretty sure the image store, glance,
wouldn't let me do that. Additionally, since the compute component also has
its own ceph pool, I'm pretty sure it won't let me migrate the data through

Hm wouldn’t it be possible to do something similar ala:

# list object from src pool
rados ls objects loop | filter-obj-id | while read obj; do
   # export $obj to local disk
   rados -p pool-wth-too-many-pgs get $obj
   # import $obj from local disk to new pool
   rados -p better-sized-pool put $obj

You would also have issues with snapshots if you do this on an RBD
pool. That's unfortunately not feasible.

What isn’t possible, export-import objects out-and-in of pools or snapshots


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