Re: New Cluster (0.87), Missing Default Pools?

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I remember reading somewhere (maybe in changelogs) that default pools
were not created automatically anymore.

You can create pools you need yourself.

Thomas Lemarchand
Cloud Solutions SAS - Responsable des systèmes d'information

On jeu., 2014-12-18 at 06:52 -0600, Dyweni - Ceph-Users wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just setup the monitor for a new cluster based on Giant (0.87) and I 
> find that only the 'rbd' pool was created automatically.  I don't see 
> the 'data' or 'metadata' pools in 'ceph osd lspools' or the log files.  
> I haven't setup any OSDs or MDSs yet.  I'm following the manual 
> deployment guide.
> Would you mind looking over the setup details/logs below and letting me 
> know my mistake please?
> Here's my /etc/ceph/ceph.conf file:
> -----------
> [global]
>          fsid = xxxxxx
>          public network = xx.xx.xx.xx/xx
>          cluster network = xx.xx.xx.xx/xx
>          auth cluster required = cephx
>          auth service required = cephx
>          auth client required = cephx
>          osd pool default size = 2
>          osd pool default min size = 1
>          osd pool default pg num = 100
>          osd pool default pgp num = 100
> [mon]
>          mon initial members = a
> [mon.a]
>          host = xx
>          mon addr = xx.xx.xx.xx
> -----------
> Here's the commands used to setup the monitor:
> -----------
> ceph-authtool --create-keyring /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring --gen-key -n mon. 
> --cap mon 'allow *'
> ceph-authtool --create-keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring 
> --gen-key -n client.admin --set-uid=0 --cap mon 'allow *' --cap osd 
> 'allow *' --cap mds 'allow'
> ceph-authtool /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring --import-keyring 
> /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
> monmaptool --create --add xx xx.xx.xx.xx --fsid xxxxxx /tmp/monmap
> mkdir /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-a
> ceph-mon --mkfs -i a --monmap /tmp/monmap --keyring 
> /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring
> /etc/init.d/ceph-mon.a start
> -----------
> Here's the ceph-mon.a logfile:
> -----------
> 2014-12-18 12:35:45.768752 7fb00df94780  0 ceph version 0.87 
> (c51c8f9d80fa4e0168aa52685b8de40e42758578), process ceph-mon, pid 3225
> 2014-12-18 12:35:45.856851 7fb00df94780  0 mon.a does not exist in 
> monmap, will attempt to join an existing cluster
> 2014-12-18 12:35:45.857069 7fb00df94780  0 using public_addr 
> xx.xx.xx.xx:0/0 -> xx.xx.xx.xx:6789/0
> 2014-12-18 12:35:45.857126 7fb00df94780  0 starting mon.a rank -1 at 
> xx.xx.xx.xx:6789/0 mon_data /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-a fsid xxxxxx
> 2014-12-18 12:35:45.857330 7fb00df94780  1 mon.a@-1(probing) e0 preinit 
> fsid xxxxxx
> 2014-12-18 12:35:45.857402 7fb00df94780  1 mon.a@-1(probing) e0  
> initial_members a, filtering seed monmap
> 2014-12-18 12:35:45.858322 7fb00df94780  0 mon.a@-1(probing) e0  my rank 
> is now 0 (was -1)
> 2014-12-18 12:35:45.858360 7fb00df94780  1 mon.a@0(probing) e0 
> win_standalone_election
> 2014-12-18 12:35:45.859803 7fb00df94780  0 log_channel(cluster) log 
> [INF] : mon.a@0 won leader election with quorum 0
> 2014-12-18 12:35:45.863846 7fb008d4b700  1 
> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(pgmap 0..0) refresh upgraded, format 1 -> 0
> 2014-12-18 12:35:45.863867 7fb008d4b700  1 mon.a@0(leader).pg v0 
> on_upgrade discarding in-core PGMap
> 2014-12-18 12:35:45.865662 7fb008d4b700  1 
> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(auth 0..0) refresh upgraded, format 1 -> 0
> 2014-12-18 12:35:45.865719 7fb008d4b700  1 mon.a@0(probing) e1 
> win_standalone_election
> 2014-12-18 12:35:45.867394 7fb008d4b700  0 log_channel(cluster) log 
> [INF] : mon.a@0 won leader election with quorum 0
> 2014-12-18 12:35:46.003223 7fb008d4b700  0 log_channel(cluster) log 
> [INF] : monmap e1: 1 mons at {a=xx.xx.xx.xx:6789/0}
> 2014-12-18 12:35:46.040555 7fb008d4b700  1 
> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(auth 0..0) refresh upgraded, format 1 -> 0
> 2014-12-18 12:35:46.087081 7fb008d4b700  0 log_channel(cluster) log 
> [INF] : pgmap v1: 0 pgs: ; 0 bytes data, 0 kB used, 0 kB / 0 kB avail
> 2014-12-18 12:35:46.141415 7fb008d4b700  0 mon.a@0(leader).mds e1 
> print_map
> epoch   1
> flags   0
> created 0.000000
> modified        2014-12-18 12:35:46.038418
> tableserver     0
> root    0
> session_timeout 0
> session_autoclose       0
> max_file_size   0
> last_failure    0
> last_failure_osd_epoch  0
> compat  compat={},rocompat={},incompat={}
> max_mds 0
> in
> up      {}
> failed
> stopped
> data_pools
> metadata_pool   0
> inline_data     disabled
> 2014-12-18 12:35:46.151117 7fb008d4b700  0 log_channel(cluster) log 
> [INF] : mdsmap e1: 0/0/0 up
> 2014-12-18 12:35:46.152873 7fb008d4b700  1 mon.a@0(leader).osd e1 e1: 0 
> osds: 0 up, 0 in
> 2014-12-18 12:35:46.154551 7fb008d4b700  0 mon.a@0(leader).osd e1 crush 
> map has features 1107558400, adjusting msgr requires
> 2014-12-18 12:35:46.154580 7fb008d4b700  0 mon.a@0(leader).osd e1 crush 
> map has features 1107558400, adjusting msgr requires
> 2014-12-18 12:35:46.154588 7fb008d4b700  0 mon.a@0(leader).osd e1 crush 
> map has features 1107558400, adjusting msgr requires
> 2014-12-18 12:35:46.154592 7fb008d4b700  0 mon.a@0(leader).osd e1 crush 
> map has features 1107558400, adjusting msgr requires
> 2014-12-18 12:35:46.157078 7fb008d4b700  0 log_channel(cluster) log 
> [INF] : osdmap e1: 0 osds: 0 up, 0 in
> 2014-12-18 12:35:46.220701 7fb008d4b700  1 
> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(auth 1..1) refresh upgraded, format 0 -> 1
> 2014-12-18 12:35:46.334457 7fb008d4b700  0 log_channel(cluster) log 
> [INF] : pgmap v2: 64 pgs: 64 creating; 0 bytes data, 0 kB used, 0 kB / 0 
> kB avail
> 2014-12-18 12:35:59.648655 7fb002ffd700  0 mon.a@0(leader) e1 
> handle_command mon_command({"prefix": "osd lspools"} v 0) v1
> 2014-12-18 12:35:59.648713 7fb002ffd700  0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] 
> : from='client.? xx.xx.xx.xx:0/1003269' entity='client.admin' 
> cmd=[{"prefix": "osd lspools"}]: dispatch
> 2014-12-18 12:36:45.860251 7fb0037fe700  0 
> mon.a@0(leader).data_health(1) update_stats avail 86% total 36863 MB, 
> used 3764 MB, avail 31997 MB
> 2014-12-18 12:37:03.096074 7fb002ffd700  0 mon.a@0(leader) e1 
> handle_command mon_command({"prefix": "osd lspools"} v 0) v1
> 2014-12-18 12:37:03.096139 7fb002ffd700  0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] 
> : from='client.? xx.xx.xx.xx:0/1003353' entity='client.admin' 
> cmd=[{"prefix": "osd lspools"}]: dispatch
> 2014-12-18 12:37:45.870381 7fb0037fe700  0 
> mon.a@0(leader).data_health(1) update_stats avail 86% total 36863 MB, 
> used 3764 MB, avail 31997 MB
> 2014-12-18 12:38:45.880492 7fb0037fe700  0 
> mon.a@0(leader).data_health(1) update_stats avail 86% total 36863 MB, 
> used 3764 MB, avail 31997 MB
> 2014-12-18 12:38:47.578345 7fb002ffd700  0 mon.a@0(leader) e1 
> handle_command mon_command({"prefix": "osd lspools"} v 0) v1
> 2014-12-18 12:38:47.578408 7fb002ffd700  0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] 
> : from='client.? xx.xx.xx.xx:0/1003388' entity='client.admin' 
> cmd=[{"prefix": "osd lspools"}]: dispatch
> 2014-12-18 12:39:45.880720 7fb0037fe700  0 
> mon.a@0(leader).data_health(1) update_stats avail 86% total 36863 MB, 
> used 3764 MB, avail 31997 MB
> 2014-12-18 12:40:45.890291 7fb0037fe700  0 
> mon.a@0(leader).data_health(1) update_stats avail 86% total 36863 MB, 
> used 3768 MB, avail 31995 MB
> 2014-12-18 12:41:07.510564 7fb002ffd700  0 mon.a@0(leader) e1 
> handle_command mon_command({"prefix": "osd lspools"} v 0) v1
> 2014-12-18 12:41:07.510616 7fb002ffd700  0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] 
> : from='client.? xx.xx.xx.xx:0/1008022' entity='client.admin' 
> cmd=[{"prefix": "osd lspools"}]: dispatch
> 2014-12-18 12:41:09.581628 7fb002ffd700  0 mon.a@0(leader) e1 
> handle_command mon_command({"prefix": "osd lspools"} v 0) v1
> 2014-12-18 12:41:09.581692 7fb002ffd700  0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] 
> : from='client.? xx.xx.xx.xx:0/1008056' entity='client.admin' 
> cmd=[{"prefix": "osd lspools"}]: dispatch
> 2014-12-18 12:41:45.900237 7fb0037fe700  0 
> mon.a@0(leader).data_health(1) update_stats avail 86% total 36863 MB, 
> used 3810 MB, avail 31958 MB
> 2014-12-18 12:42:45.900437 7fb0037fe700  0 
> mon.a@0(leader).data_health(1) update_stats avail 86% total 36863 MB, 
> used 3810 MB, avail 31958 MB
> 2014-12-18 12:43:45.900680 7fb0037fe700  0 
> mon.a@0(leader).data_health(1) update_stats avail 86% total 36863 MB, 
> used 3810 MB, avail 31958 MB
> -----------
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Dyweni
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