Hello everyone: Since there's no cuttlefish package for 14.04 server on ceph repository (only ceph-deploy there), I tried to build cuttlefish from source on 14.04. Here's what I did: Get source by following http://ceph.com/docs/master/install/clone-source/ Enter the sourcecode directory git checkout cluttlefish git submodule update rm -rf src/civetweb/ src/erasure-code/ src/rocksdb/ to get the latest cluttlefish repo. Build source by following http://ceph.com/docs/master/install/build-ceph/ beside the package this url mentioned for Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install autotools-dev autoconf automake cdbs gcc g++ git libboost-dev libedit-dev libssl-dev libtool libfcgi libfcgi-dev libfuse-dev linux-kernel-headers libcrypto++-dev libcrypto++ libexpat1-dev pkg-config sudo apt-get install uuid-dev libkeyutils-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev libatomic-ops-dev libaio-dev libgdata-common libgdata13 libsnappy-dev libleveldb-dev I also found it will need sudo apt-get install libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-program-options-dev (And xfsprogs if you need xfs) after all packages are installed, I start to complie according to the doc: ./autogen.sh ./configure make -j8 And install following http://ceph.com/docs/master/install/install-storage-cluster/#installing-a-build sudo make install everything seems fine, but I found ceph_common.sh had been putted to '/usr/local/lib/ceph', and some tools are putted into /usr/local/usr/local/sbin/ (ceph-disk* and ceph-create-keys). I was used to use ceph-disk to prepare the disk on other deployment (on other machines with Emperor), but I can't do it now (and maybe the path is the reason) so I choose to do do all stuffs manually. I follow the doc http://ceph.com/docs/master/install/manual-deployment/ to deploy the cluster many times, but it turns out different this time. /etc/ceph isn't there, therefore I sudo mkdir /etc/ceph Put a ceph.conf into /etc/ceph Generate all required keys in /etc/ceph instead of /tmp/ to keep them ceph-authtool --create-keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.mon.keyring --gen-key -n mon. --cap mon 'allow *' ceph-authtool --create-keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --gen-key -n client.admin --set-uid=0 --cap mon 'allow *' --cap osd 'allow *' --cap mds 'allow' ceph-authtool /etc/ceph/ceph.mon.keyring --import-keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring Generate monmap with monmaptool monmaptool --create --add storage01 --fsid 9f8fffe3-040d-4641-b35a-ffa90241f723 /etc/ceph/monmap /var/lib/ceph is not there either sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-storage01 sudo ceph-mon --mkfs -i storage01 --monmap /etc/ceph/monmap --keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.mon.keyring log directory are not there, so I create it manually: sudo mkdir /var/log/ceph since service doesn't work, I start mon daemon manually: sudo /usr/local/bin/ceph-mon -i storage01 and ceph -s looks like these: storage at storage01:~/ceph$ ceph -s health HEALTH_ERR 192 pgs stuck inactive; 192 pgs stuck unclean; no osds monmap e1: 1 mons at {storage01=}, election epoch 2, quorum 0 storage01 osdmap e1: 0 osds: 0 up, 0 in pgmap v2: 192 pgs: 192 creating; 0 bytes data, 0 KB used, 0 KB / 0 KB avail mdsmap e1: 0/0/1 up And I add disks as osd by following manual commands: sudo mkfs -t xfs -f /dev/sdb sudo mkdir /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1 sudo mount /dev/sdb /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1/ sudo ceph-osd -i 1 --mkfs --mkkey ceph osd create ceph osd crush add osd.1 1.0 host=storage01 sudo ceph-osd -i 1 for 10 times, and I got: storage at storage01:~/ceph$ ceph osd tree # id weight type name up/down reweight -2 10 host storage01 0 1 osd.0 up 1 1 1 osd.1 up 1 2 1 osd.2 up 1 3 1 osd.3 up 1 4 1 osd.4 up 1 5 1 osd.5 up 1 6 1 osd.6 up 1 7 1 osd.7 up 1 8 1 osd.8 up 1 9 1 osd.9 up 1 -1 0 root default and storage at storage01:~/ceph$ ceph -s health HEALTH_WARN 192 pgs stuck inactive; 192 pgs stuck unclean monmap e1: 1 mons at {storage01=}, election epoch 2, quorum 0 storage01 osdmap e32: 10 osds: 10 up, 10 in pgmap v56: 192 pgs: 192 creating; 0 bytes data, 10565 MB used, 37231 GB / 37242 GB avail mdsmap e1: 0/0/1 up I use the same method to install on storage02, copy /etc/ceph/ceph.conf from storage01 and use same method to utilize osd 10~19 And I got storage at storage02:~/ceph$ ceph osd tree # id weight type name up/down reweight -3 10 host storage02 10 1 osd.10 up 1 11 1 osd.11 up 1 12 1 osd.12 up 1 13 1 osd.13 up 1 14 1 osd.14 up 1 15 1 osd.15 up 1 16 1 osd.16 up 1 17 1 osd.17 up 1 18 1 osd.18 up 1 19 1 osd.19 up 1 -2 10 host storage01 0 1 osd.0 up 1 1 1 osd.1 up 1 2 1 osd.2 up 1 3 1 osd.3 up 1 4 1 osd.4 up 1 5 1 osd.5 up 1 6 1 osd.6 up 1 7 1 osd.7 up 1 8 1 osd.8 up 1 9 1 osd.9 up 1 -1 0 root default storage at storage02:~/ceph$ ceph -s health HEALTH_WARN 192 pgs stuck inactive; 192 pgs stuck unclean monmap e1: 1 mons at {storage01=}, election epoch 2, quorum 0 storage01 osdmap e63: 20 osds: 20 up, 20 in pgmap v138: 192 pgs: 192 creating; 0 bytes data, 21140 MB used, 74463 GB / 74484 GB avail mdsmap e1: 0/0/1 up Nothing in progress, it just kept at creating status. How can I debug this?