CRUSH map advice

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On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 11:26 PM, John Morris <john at> wrote:

> On 08/11/2014 08:26 PM, Craig Lewis wrote:
>> Your MON nodes are separate hardware from the OSD nodes, right?
> Two nodes are OSD + MON, plus a separate MON node.
>  If so,
>> with replication=2, you should be able to shut down one of the two OSD
>> nodes, and everything will continue working.
> IIUC, the third MON node is sufficient for a quorum if one of the OSD +
> MON nodes shuts down, is that right?

So yeah, if you lose any one node, you'll be fine.

> Replication=2 is a little worrisome, since we've already seen two disks
> simultaneously fail just in the year the cluster has been running.  That
> statistically unlikely situation is the first and probably last time I'll
> see that, but they say lightning can strike twice....

That's a low probability, given the number of disks you have.  I would've
taken that bet (with backups).  As the number of OSDs goes up, the
probability of multiple simultaneous failures goes up, and slowly becomes a
bad bet.

>  Since it's for
>> experimentation, I wouldn't deal with the extra hassle of replication=4
>> and custom CRUSH rules to make it work.  If you have your heart set on
>> that, it should be possible.  I'm no CRUSH expert though, so I can't say
>> for certain until I've actually done it.
>> I'm a bit confused why your performance is horrible though.  I'm
>> assuming your HDDs are 7200 RPM.  With the SSD journals and
>> replication=3, you won't have a ton of IO, but you shouldn't have any
>> problem doing > 100 MB/s with 4 MB blocks.  Unless your SSDs are very
>> low quality, the HDDs should be your bottleneck.
> The below setup is tomorrow's plan; today's reality is 3 OSDs on one node
> and 2 OSDs on another, crappy SSDs, 1Gb networks, pgs stuck unclean and no
> monitoring to pinpoint bottlenecks.  My work is cut out for me.  :)
> Thanks for the helpful reply.  I wish we could just add a third OSD node
> and have these issues just go away, but it's not in the budget ATM.
Ah, yeah, that explains the performance problems.  Although, crappy SSD
journals are still better than no SSD journals.  When I added SSD journals
to my existing cluster, I saw my write bandwidth go from 10 MBps/disk to
50MBps/disk.  Average latency dropped a bit, and the variance in latency
dropped a lot.

Just adding more disks to your existing nodes would help performance,
assuming you have room to add them.
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