Advanced CRUSH map rules

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Hi everybody,

Is it possible with CRUSH map to make a rule that puts R-1 replicas on
a node and the remaining one on a different node of the same failure
domain (for example datacenter) putting the replicas considering a
deeper failure domain (e.g. room)? Statement "step emit" may help in
Ideally I'm trying to put two of three replicas into same datacenter
but in different rooms (or similar) and the remaining one in another
datacenter. CRUSH map can do this or it's only achievable with
zone/region configuration with rados gw?

And it's even possible to specifiy the "primary affinity" in the sense
that for specified clients (or for specified pools) ceph has to store
the primary replica in the closest (to the client) datacenter and the
other replica in another datacenter.
Probably for this I will need zones/regions configuration.


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