So I've done some more digging, and running the radosgw in debug mode I found some messages from osd.3 saying IOError, when it was trying to get .rgw:productimages.
I took that OSD down, and everything started working.On 19 March 2014 10:07, Mike Bryant <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
CheersDoes anyone have any idea on what might have happened, or how I can get this bucket back?I can see the header object in the .rgw pool:Trying to do it explicitly:Running bucket stats, it's missing from the list.Hi,I've just upgraded a test cluster to Emporer, and one of my S3 buckets seems to have broken.
s3 access is returning a 500 code (UnknownError).
radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket=productimages
2014-03-19 10:06:17.829397 7ff0b81c7780 0 could not get bucket info for bucket=productimages
rados --cluster=cit-external ls --pool .rgw
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