Re: newbie / Error connecting to cluster: PermissionError

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On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 3:44 PM, João Pagaime <jpsp@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello João
> thanks for the reply
> tried again with debian VMs and didn't have any problems (it worked!)
> the ceph-deploy script doesn't seem to work perfectly on CentOS 6.5, so I
> guess that was the reason for the troubles (it did throw a few errors, but,
> since it was on debug mode, I didn't pay much attention)

That sounds odd, we do test ceph-deploy heavily against that distro
and version. It would be useful to
see the log output of your issues and determine if ceph-deploy is
missing something or it needs fixing.

One of the reasons why sometimes getting a cluster up and running
works with some distros right of the bat is
that certain things come enabled/disabled that affect cluster
operation like iptables for example.

> thanks, best regards,
> Melhores cumprimentos,
> João Pagaime,
> Área de Infra-estruturas Aplicacionais - FCCN - FCT I.P.
> Em 18-02-2014 16:04, Joao Eduardo Luis escreveu:
>> On 02/18/2014 08:42 AM, João Pagaime wrote:
>>> Hello all
>>> We're looking at Ceph for a possible future pilot, and so
>>> I've just installed ceph-emperor [1] by the "Installation (Quick)"
>>> guide, but got stuck on the following error:
>>> "authentication error (1) Operation not permitted" [2]
>>> could someone give clues as to diagnose (or better yet fix) this problem?
>>> the setup:
>>> - as prescribed by the current "Installation (Quick)" guide
>>> - all vms are "CentOS release 6.5 (Final)" running on vmware-player:
>>> - one VM "admin node ceph-deploy"
>>> - one VM node1 (monitor)
>>> - one VM node2
>>> - one VM node3
>>> any help would be welcome!
>>> best regards
>>> joao
>>> [1]--------------------------- version
>>> $ rpm -q -a |grep -i ceph
>>> libcephfs1-0.72.2-0.el6.x86_64
>>> python-ceph-0.72.2-0.el6.x86_64
>>> ceph-0.72.2-0.el6.x86_64
>>> ceph-release-1-0.el6.noarch
>>> [2]--------------------------------- specific error
>>> [ceph@ceph-node2 ~]$ sudo ceph-disk-activate --mark-init sysvinit
>>> --mount /var/local/osd0
>>> === osd.0 ===
>>> 2014-02-18 08:35:44.769825 7f1659c3c700 0 librados: osd.0
>>> authentication error (1) Operation not permitted
>>> Error connecting to cluster: PermissionError
>>> failed: 'timeout 10 /usr/bin/ceph --name=osd.0
>>> --keyring=/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/keyring osd crush create-or-move
>>> -- 0 0.05 root=default
>>> host=ceph-node2
>> Do you have a keyring in /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/keyring? Does it contain
>> an entry for 'osd.0'?
>> What about 'ceph auth export', does it contain an entry for 'osd.0' with a
>> matching key?
>> -Joao
>> '
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